Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Taking Care Of Dubai's Heritage

Late president of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, once famously said, "a country that does not keep a track of its past will neither have any present nor future." He was cautioning against overlooking Dubai's cultural heritage, as the city began experiencing an all around growth. Conservation experts regard heritage sites as one of the key areas for preserving one's cultural heritage. This aspect becomes a lot more significant specially in the case of Dubai, since its landscape has dramatically changed since the 1960s. Interestingly, experts assume Dubai's historical period extending as recently as up to 1960, quite modern by the mark of other nations.

With tourism on Dubai government's top agenda, heritage sites are going to play a crucial role in its further promotion. Tourists flock Dubai with a desire of experiencing the magnificent blend of ethnic Arab and modern day infrastructure they have been witnessing to and listening about from various media outlets. They wish to have the firsthand experience of its cultural diversity now that Dubai has been recognised all over the world for very long. And there is no better a way to offer them what they will be looking forward to by preserving some of Dubai's past as it is. This will also fulfil to the wishes of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan, in keeping up Dubai's Arab roots alive.

This exercise is harder accomplishing than said though. Dubai's economic turnaround has ensured, the city will keep experiencing multifaceted growth. It will put immense pressure on the existing infrastructure, as plans for the city's modernization keep unfolding on a regular basis. It will specially endanger some precious blocks of architecture that were built prior to 1960 and are still erected up there. Many of these concrete blocks have a very distinct Arabian flavour, which is what perhaps Sheikh Zayed wanted to speak about. The city of Dubai has dramatically expanded since the 1960s, and most of its previous existence has slowly diminished in the process.

Some observers say that the eye-catching blocks of Bastakia by Dubai Creek have to be thankful to Prince Charles for remaining intact, as the prince had objected to their planned demolition some years ago while being on an official visit to the emirate. Bastakia carries some precious signatures of the past with a plethora of traditional wind-tower houses and shady courtyards. The rest could be called a history in making now, as Bastakia gets renowned for its heritage value. It does not only provide the tourists and filmmakers with an opportunity for getting excited about, but also extends a great deal of information to the historians as well.

The UAE's government is now planning to come up with a law, which once passed will prevent any acts of changes or demolition of historic buildings inside the country. Any buildings constructed prior to1960 will automatically fall under the "historic" segment. About 1,200 buildings are estimated to be declared protected under the new legislation in the entire of UAE. Some people are demanding for the limit of 1960 to be brought down to 1975, so that more traditional houses could be saved in the due course. This seems to be a little too optimistic demand from the administration however, to have any positive opinion about.

Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Need Something To Do: Serve!

Are your days dragging on? Are you looking for a way to contribute to your local community? Do you want to get involved in a project bigger than yourself? Do you need some hours to fulfill a community service requirement? If so, I have got the thing for you: serve. It sounds elusive and ambiguous, but it does not have to.

To serve others is a wonderful thing. There are a few compelling reasons to spend your time in this valuable way. First, taking time to serve gets you outside of your own life, your own cares, and your own needs and forces you to focus on the needs and cares of others. Most of the people in the world and even in your hometown have different issues, problems, and concerns than you do. And this is a great thing. By taking the time to serve people different than yourself, your life cannot remain focused only on you for very long. You will find that you begin to think of others' needs along with your own.

Taking the time to serve others can also be fun. Are you interested in sewing? Why not start a sewing group at a local nursing home. Spend a couple of hours each week teaching or reteaching elderly women a skill that will help them connect with one another and pass lonely days with fun. Or perhaps you love kids. Take a few hours each week to serve as a recess monitor at a local elementary school. The teachers will love the break and you will love getting to know the young children. Maybe you are great at fixing cars. Consider taking that rare skill and using it to serve single mothers or elderly people who are not able to fix their own vehicles. What a blessing you can be and what a fun time you can have when you serve others.

Serving is great because it is so easy. You do not have to commit forty hours each week to serve in many organizations. Instead, set aside just a couple of hours each week to serve in an area that you love. You can even start to serve by doing something as easy as raking your neighbor's lawn or by offering to pick up your neighbor's groceries when you pick up your own. What could be easier than that? Or serve your friends by offering to cook them a meal or pick up their children from school. Are you passionate about women having healthy pregnancies? Volunteer to serve one morning a week at a local pregnancy care center.

A final reason to serve is because it is important to the health and life of all communities. Every community would benefit greatly if all of its people were generous with their time and energies. Think of all the great things that could happen in your town. Amazing things can happen when people put their passions and their skills together. Needs are met and problems are solved when people begin to serve one another.

Take some time right now to consider an area or two that you can serve in. Think of ways to include the cares of others in your day. Make sure that you choose to serve in an area that is fun for you. You will be much more likely to do something well if you are having fun at it. Serving others can easily be incorporated into even the busiest of schedules, and your community will thank you for it.

Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Pourquoi Interesser Vos Enfants aux Jeux de Cartes

Les jeux de cartes offrent donc à tous une possibilité de se divertir dans le calme, mais permettent aussi a la famille de se retrouver, de communiquer, de partager et d'évoluer ensemble tout en développant ses capacités intellectuelles. Même dans les moments calmes, un enfant surtout encore assez jeune a besoin et d'attention et surtout d'occupation, alors que vous rechercheriez plutôt un moment de silence et de tranquillité.

En effet, la majorité de ces jeux demande un effort de concentration de par la stratégie requise et l'assimilation des règles de bases.

Les jeux de cartes permettent de faire travailler votre concentration, essentielle dans votre réussite professionnelle,personnelle et familiale. Pour cela, rien de plus simple. Fixez vous dans les premiers temps un temps de jeu rapide pour atteindre un but précis. Prenez ensuite une petite pause. Refaites la même deיmarche pour les parties suivantes. Pendant le temps fixe, ne vous détournez sous aucun prétexte de cette partie (téléphone, cigarette,une pause café). Vous constaterez rapidement qu'après quelques efforts surhumains que cela aurait pu vous demander, que cela n'a, au final, rien de compliquer. Pourquoi? Car vous vous y serez habitue.

Au niveau des enfants, le problème est similaire. Il est assez difficile pour eux, après une journée d'école, de rentrer directement a la maison et d'entamer immédiatement leurs devoirs.
Pour les convaincre qu'ils ont tout a y gagner, imposer leur un temps court de concentration au travers des jeux de cartes puis une pause et de nouveau une concentration courte sur une même partie. Ils constateront alors bien vite qu'ils auront d'avantage a gagner en restant concentre sur un problème 20 minutes et finir rapidement le devoir que de rester a papillonner 1 heure pour ce même travail.

Résultats aussi bien pour les adultes que les enfants: en restant concentrer sur des jeux, votre rapidité au travail sera décuplée grâce a cet entraînement régulier. En conséquence, vos temps de loisirs se rallongeront, et vous éviterez ainsi les mauvaises consciences relatives au travail bâclé et mal fait, tout en donnant d'avantage de temps a vos proches ainsi qu'a vous même.

Alors motivez-vous!
Les jeux de cartes suivants permettant ce développement ne sont qu'a titre d'exemple.

La Bataille est idéale pour se défouler mais aussi pour rester concentré. Demande beaucoup d'astuce et permet de développer sa rapidité d'esprit dans une ambiance bonne enfant.

Le Domino:
Le but est de se débarrasser de toutes ses cartes, en complétant des séries posées sur la table. L'ordre des cartes est le suivant Roi/Dame/Valet/10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/As. Le jeu demande une certaine rigueur d'esprit et beaucoup de patience.

Date du XIXe siècle, est le jeu où apparait pour la première fois le Joker. Celui-ci se joue à 4 joueurs, en 2 équipes de 2, les deux partenaires étant assis l'un en face de l'autre. Le but est de faire 3 levées sur 5.L'Euchre permet donc de dévoiler d'avantage l'esprit d'équipe ou l'individualisme de vos enfants.

D'autres jeux lus connus sont jouables tel le Tarot, la belote, le Nain Jaune (vivement recommandé), Napoléon, le poker,Pyramide, le Rami,la crapette et bien d'autres encore.

Alors qu'attendez vous?

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Three Steps to “Take Back the Night”

“Take Back the Night” events across the country in April are a grim reminder of just how serious a problem crime against women has become. From domestic violence to date rape, from assault in a parking lot to rapes on a college campus it seems as though women are targets of these predators wherever and whenever it pleases them-and the numbers are staggering.

Statistics show that every two and a half minutes someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. And while the numbers show and increase the scary part is there are still 39 percent of rapes in 2002 that went unreported for a variety of legitimate reasons ranging from embarrassment, fear, or shock.

“Take Back the Night” events are well meaning, feel good events that typically happen on college campuses where a surprisingly large number of sexual assaults occur. The main focus of these events is to heighten awareness of the problem which is a nice first step but really does nothing in a practical way to help protect the potential victims from either physical or sexual assault.

According to Bureau of Justice statistics 17 percent of women can expect to be raped in their lifetime. In 2004 for every 1000 people there is one rape or sexual assault, two assaults with injury and 2 robberies-that’s a one in five chance that you are going to be next.

When an assault occurs most victims are, justifiably so, caught off guard, panic and don’t think clearly. But with a little common sense and practice (YES practice) your survival instincts will kick in.

As a practical matter you practice for everything else, from studying, playing an instrument, sports, rehearsal for a wedding, to memorizing the alphabet, why shouldn’t you practice some survival skills that might save your life? Simple discussion groups with friends or family on some basic survival techniques and plans of action will, over a short period of time, develop good reflex reactions instead of pure unmitigated fear when faced with a real emergency situation.

Here are some ideas to kick around with your friends at a “practice” session.
When confronted by a potential attacker or rapist:
1. MAKE NOISE. Scream, yell, if you have a whistle use it, Try to attract as much attention as you can. The noise will eventually attract someone and in the process may deter the attacker.
2. STALL. Time is on your side. Stall as long as you can. Tell your attacker you have STD’s or AIDS. The longer you delay the better your chances. Don’t show any fear, stay calm as long as you can.
3. GET ANGRY AND FIGHT BACK. This is not a garden party. Learn how to fight dirty. Gouge the eyes, hit and kick where it will do the most damage. Use whatever you have available as a weapon.

Additionally get used to being aware of your surroundings. Be leery of strangers asking directions, of sudden crowds around you, of a stranger approaching your car. Most of all trust your instincts-if your gut tells you something is wrong don’t be afraid to react.

And lastly get used to always carrying some sort of personal defense device-a whistle, an alarm, a siren, mace pepper spray even a stick if you’re out on a walk-anything that can help you MAKE NOISE, STALL, FIGHT BACK. Remember it’s your life on the line-BE PREPARED-PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!

Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Pressure Washer Concrete Cleaning Equipment

Pressure Washer Concrete Cleaning Equipment

Pressure Washer Concrete Cleaning Equipment
By Lance Winslow

Cleaning concrete is tough and there is an easy way and a hard way. There is one thing you need to understand when you are pressure washer cleaning concrete; the concrete cannot always be made to look brand new again after it has been stained. You can always get stains lighter or bleached but completely removing it is very difficult, sometimes you get lucky, but if you are looking for perfection, chances are you will be underwhelmed. So when talking to customers let them know up front and explain this to them otherwise they will be asking for a job that just can't be done unless the entire concrete slab is ripped up and re-poured.

Let’s talk about equipment that is needed for this type of work. Remember safety is always important when working with a pressure washer. Some times there are chemicals involved in cleaning some stains. Thus, you should always use some type of eye protection. Also, when you are using chemicals you need to wear jeans to protect your legs. Chemicals made for concrete are very strong and should not be toyed with. Would a person rather work with dry feet or wet? It is recommended that you get rubber waders or some type of rubber boot. They will keep your feet from getting wet and keep them from getting burned by the 250 degree water.

Orange cones are also important to have for this job. These help make people visually aware that you are there if you are in a high traffic area or where there are a lot of contract workers at say a newly constructed house that needs the concrete cleaned. This makes everyone around you safe and you are helping prevent accidents. Of course you are going to need a Hydro-Twister for this job. You can technically do the job with a wand but it will take a lot more time and water, not to mention you can cause streaking if you are not using even strokes across the slab of concrete. Most of the new hot water pressure washers have an option of a hydro twister type unit but if you don't have one and or you need a second unit we recommend that you go to buy one. When buying a hydro twister buy the larger of the two. There my be only a 5 inch difference in surface coverage but it is well worth it when you are trying to save time without cutting corners. Especially if you are cleaning concrete at a construction site or a large retail type box store, there is a lot of concrete and the faster you clean it the more money you will make. Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Votre Home Sweet Home Au Gout du Jour

Pour pouvoir aménager votre cher appartement au goût du jour, tout ce dont vous avez besoin est d'avoir quelques idées et une grande imagination afin de transformez vote logement en un véritable cocon douillet aussi bien de style cosy que cottage.

Comme beaucoup de familles, vous vivez probablement dans une maison spacieuse avec des pièces open-spaces et un désir impérieux de transformer tout cela en un cocon plus intime. Si tel est le cas, voici pour vous des conseils de décoration pour tout réaménager pour pas cher.

Tout d'abord, rééquipez votre logement en meubles. Prenez ces derniers plus large et/ou plus long. Cela donnera déjà un aspect plus cosy et un environnement plus chaleureux, du fait qu'ils meubleront les espaces vides. Par exemple, pour un salon immense, pourquoi ne pas l'équiper d'une table de jeu de cartes comme une table de poker, voir sur un site de poker en ligne un exemple, ces dernières étant grandes et larges, l'espace ainsi pris pourra être destiné à organiser des soirées sympathiques entre amis.
Pour cela privilégiez les meubles couverts de tissus, ou également de cuir ou autre matériel similaire permettant de créer une chaleur humaine.

Une autre idée de décoration qui peut également l'effet cosy de vos pièces spacieuses est d'ajouter de la verdure ou décorations florales. Cela donnera un sentiment de sérénité et d'ambiance tropicale. Les arbres type palmiers sont un excellent choiz pour remplir les coins des salles. Toutefois, attention de ne pas trop en faire afin de ne pas obtenir l'effet inverse.
Une troisième idée de décoration est de créer une atmosphère confinée et chaleureuse dans votre chambre en posant sous votre lit un tapis élégant, fin et joliment conçu. Choisissez celui qui est assez grand pour pouvoir contenir tous les meubles de la pièce et en adéquation avec les couleurs de cette dernière. Evitez toutefois les couleurs criardes.
Enfin, décorer votre maison de façon moderne signifie adapter ses meubles à l'ensemble de vos murs. En fait, concevoir vos murs de façon appropriée est l'un des aspects les plus importants pour obtenir l'atmosphère correspondant à vos attentes. Il y a plusieurs manières d'atteindre ce résultat. Vous pouvez accrochez de larges tableaux ou tout autre œuvre d'art, suspendre de larges tissus, ou encore organiser des portraits ou autres.

Mais la question qui se pose est la suivante: Comment obtenir des décorations pour un faible prix?
En effet, quand arrive le moment de décorer son logement, la question du prix se pose en toute logique. Votre mission consiste donc à trouver ce qui vous plait à un coût moindre pour concevoir le design que vous désirez obtenir, en plus de l'atmosphère.

Sur votre mur principal, éviter de commettre l'erreur classique qui est de combler l'espace à tout prix.
Pour ceux qui ne sont pas forcément expert en la matière d'organisation d'intérieur mais essayent de faire de leur mieux avec ce que vous avez déjà sous la main ou peignez quelque chose en imaginant une ligne imaginaire vous permettant de trouver vos repères.

Alors pourquoi dépenser trop, lorsque dans l'espoir d'avoir de meilleurs revenus, on a déjà tout sous la main?

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Online Games: How to Play to Win

Learn how to improve your playing quality and even overall understanding of online gaming and how you perform while playing online. Gaming online is a huge business nowadays and that means that there are millions of people worldwide at online game sites all the time. Many are people just like you and me that like to play online and have fun doing it. Some of these people enjoy it so much, that they often do not even care about improving their skill and raising their chances of winning.

So Why Should You Work on Your Game?
Working on skills will not only help you improve your success while playing online games but will also give you higher self-esteem and a sense of achievement. And remember that the faster you master the easy games, you can turn to the more complicated ones and match your brain and skills against the real experts.

How to Improve Your Online Gaming Skills?
Online playing is different than just playing on your personal computer at home. While online, you have to pay attention to many different things that need to be taken into account, and I will detail these here:

1) Internet Connection: Pay attention to your online connection and make sure that the internet connection is strong and without any connection breaks. These can be done easily by trying to play a simple online game before moving on to the more serious ones. For example, play scrabbles or checkers online and then see how your connection works.

2) The Graphics: Check that your PC screen is strong enough to run the specific game you have in mind. Download the trial and play it on your computer. If you can't run or if it does not run smoothly, be aware that though the online version is less of a strain on the resources of your computer, the game might get stuck or stall from time to time. What can you do? Other than spending money on improving the hardware of your computer, the only thing you can do is to pick another game.

3) Limit your game time: One of the most important facts that young players tend to overlook is that they cannot play forever. The body needs sleep and even though it might appear or one might not feel tired, your performance drops as the hours pass by. It is important also to (if the game permits it) try and drink water while playing and not Coca Cola or Pepsi or anything else sweet or alcoholic. These will only make you more sleepy than before even if for the first few minutes it will feel as if they are invigorating you.

4) Game Plans: Have a look at how others are playing before you join the fray. Study the manner how the game moves and how others hide or move. Even if you end up playing against other players, eventually the nooks and corners of the game are similar. Remember that people tend to move in similar fashion so the whole point is to get a whiff of game movement.

5) Strategy: Look up different strategic models and systems offered and posted on the internet. Your players might use some of these and if you are aware of them it will be easier for you to block their moves.

By preparing yourself for the online gaming experience you do not lose anything. In fact, it works quite to the contrary. Think of it just like in terms of playing at online casinos and not at game sites. You would not play for money without researching it before, would you?

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Online Casinos: List of the Most Graphic

Online casinos are plenty and they differ when it comes to the amount of games, customer service, free cash they hand out and many other features that pertain to the legally binding contract between the player and the casino. But there are other features that are usually ignored by those reviewing the many online casinos available online, and it is precisely one of these features: the graphic quality of the site, that we have examined.

Want to play online games and have a great time? Play at these graphically enhanced online casinos:

1) Golden Casino
Offering new casino software and a bonus of 555 dollars would be enough to want me to play there, but once I downloaded the game system, I gasped. The layout of their hall reminds me of that of Caesars Palace, and once, you start playing (with life-like images) you fell as if you were standing in a real casino! And, as if that was not enough, the tables are covered with a lace-like surface that increases the casino ambience and takes it to another level completely. In addition, Golden Casino is loosely affiliated with some of the top names in the casino industry today such as Golden Palace and others.

2) Crystal Palace
Striking because of its blue contours and curves, Crystal Palace not only offers a graphic display that reminds you of a desert oasis or a car rally, but it also uses a correct and colourful combination of colours in order to create the total graphic experience. It is not enough that their games are fast, flash-oriented and versatile, each one can be played using different graphic displays and settings thus boggling the mind with peace that helps you concentrate solely on the game you are playing. They are one of the major slot machine initiators, and their slots are perfectly matched between a light and slot experience.

3) Club USA Casino
Appearing at first hazy and blurry with a tinge of dark green, you will not even hope for what comes next. Once you download the games, sign up and login, please keep your mouth closed. They give you seven hundred dollars for the chance of floating through casino space. In addition, their graphic display is set up in such a way that each block supersedes the one that came before it, thus, creating a window-like graphic view where each object stands out more than the one behind it.

4) Royal Vegas Casino
Vegas online has come alive. Yes. That is what you feel when you start playing through this online casino. The lights are real, the machines too and if that was not enough, the graphics are unbelievably custom-made for those who have been to Las Vegas. The strip is just as it would appear if you were standing at the corner.

5) Roxy Palace
Designed to copy the feel of a casino entrance with its huge amount of lights and neons, Roxy Palace takes another step forward when it comes to the graphic game display that they offer. Each game has a different ambience, and the graphics are so clear and well-defined that you can even make out the writing on the billboards.

When I want to play at online casinos I look out for those online casinos that offer a high graphic interface. And each of the above online casinos are graphically designed to ensure you enjoy a great online casinos experience. Pick one of them and enjoy your online gaming experience.

Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Russain Brides and American or European Brides. What is the difference?

Many middle-aged men want a foreign Christian single significantly younger than themselves. Increasingly though, as the effects of feminism in the Western world have become more and more perverse, younger and younger men are seeking dating abroad.

The truth is average Russian brides, while they are anything but submissive, are usually also not forceful or domineering. The women are generally highly supportive of their husbands. Most men seeking such a wife really want someone who isn't the extreme opposite to a meek Henny-Penny either. Unfortunately, too many of today's American and other Western women are, and these men have simply given up on them.

Most men who seek a mail order bride are just ordinary guys. In the 1990s, the majority of the men seeking Russian brides were generally middle aged divorced men in their forties and fifties. After a number of years dating American women they were not able to find the kind of woman they wanted. For the most part these men want a woman significantly younger than themselves (between 10 and 20 years), who is physically attractive, charming, gentle, sweet, feminine and whose primary career goal is to become his wife, as opposed to pursuing some professional career and, in addition, being a wife. These are qualities typical of Russian girls.

Today we see younger and younger men seeking first penpals, and then wives in this way. Many never-married men in their twenties and thirties are now turning to the foreign Christian singles market and the age trend is moving downward. These younger men are looking for the same basic kind of woman as the older men, with the exception that they seek wives closer to their own age.

Russian and Ukraine women are beautiful, honest, and strong. They are the best women in the whole universe and other galaxies too. They are the best friends, best penpals, best wives, and what not. Russian ladies are famous for their promiscuity as much as Russian men for their drinking problems. It might be considered as an asset if you are looking for some easy fun but if you have serious intentions and strong family values be careful! Russian girls, and for the most part, Russian culture is a lot more family oriented than American culture.

We offer various dating tips for single travel to Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. You do not want to meet your lady, the first time, in her own hometown! Make that journey after you have decided you have found the perfect girl, and it is time to meet the family. You don't have to be a Spartan to win a lady's heart.

Not that Eastern Europe isn't a beautiful place to is. It has a lot of amazing places that still remained untouched by a human's hand. Its boundlessness of wild nature traps your eyes and heart forever.

We hope our advice will be helpful and will make your search of YOUR Russian bride more efficient and pleasant!

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

The Advantages of Buying Used Equipment

The Advantages of Buying Used Equipment

Word Count:

Buying used music equipment has many advantages. Buyers must take extra precautions when buying used. Receiving great deals is just one of the benefits. Used gear is perfect for beginners.

electric guitar, buy used guitars, electric guitars

Article Body:
Music is the refined form of art. Musical instruments of all kinds have been enthralling people for ages with the lilting and mesmerizing strains that they produce, when a skilled musician plays on them. Any new musical instrument has to be tuned to emit beautiful sound. This difficulty is apparently at bay, when musicians use used musical instruments. Used musical instruments are extremely helpful for amateur artists, who are about to embark on their musical journey.

Used musical instruments allow musicians to possess quality instruments at affordable prices, unlike new ones. New musical instruments are charged exorbitant rates. Used musical instruments can be bought from private individuals, musical shops and it can be bought online through various shopping websites exclusively for music aficionados. Used musical instruments are dependable since, they have been tempered and tuned to produce enchanting tunes and it can be used by musicians both amateur and experienced. Brass, string and percussion instruments endure the test of time and buying such instruments that have been used by someone, are worthwhile. The piano is believed to have a greater life span than many other instruments, so used pianos can be a prize catch. Woodwind instruments are considered to be fragile and generally musicians do not spend on used woodwind instruments as they tend to swell, rip and deteriorate with age.

A simple background check on the previous owners and sellers of the instrument can determine if the used musical instrument is worth a buy or not. Customer satisfaction, rating and return policies of an online shop have to be checked before buying a used musical instrument from them. Meeting the previous owners of the instrument can determine the care the instrument recevied. While buying instruments for a music store can almost gurantee a good quality insturment. In any sale of an instrument, expert advise is highly recommended.

Assessing the overall condition of the used instruments is pertinent and seeking the help of musician friends can be an added advantage. Experienced musicians can determine the instrument’s condition by listening to the sound produced by the instrument.

Today, retailers ensure that the used musical instrument is in good condition and they even provide free repair for the musical instrument in case of a technical flaw. They also provide the customers warranties for a stipulated time period but the prices they quote are higher than the reasonable rates. Buying from private individuals can be cheaper but the options of free repair and warranty are devoid in this bargain. Though costly, buying used musical instruments from retailers is advisable. Online shopping for used musical instruments can also be quite a bargain. But exercising caution in terms of determining the reputation of the website is important.

Used musical instruments can be great if buyers use discretion on their part. Gathering few tips on how to buy used musical instruments from music experts, musicians and friends can ensue in an enduring companionship between the musical instrument and the buyer. Buying used musical instrument is apt for amateur musicians and learners. Used musical instruments are a safe bet and money’s worth!

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Leather Pants - Are They Your Choice?

Not everyone can wear leather pants. More importantly, not everyone who can wear leather pants can find a pair that don't leave them looking like they are attending an eighties theme party or convention of ZZ Top fans.

Luckily, as the Internet expands more and more, local leatherwear retailers and putting their leather pants, leather jackets and other goods online. It is the only way to get unique, top quality leather pants without paying a fortune.

There are leatherwear websites specializing in every type of leather pants you can imagine. Whatever style of leather pants you prefer, you are more likely to find them online than in your local shopping center. Make sure the product specification matches the leather pants you are looking for though, as the pictures can sometimes be unclear or with distorted colors.

You can find the most sought after, highest quality leather pants online. These are the type of leather pants that will look brand new and gorgeous for decades after you buy them. Of course, leather pants of this quality are seldom cheap, but if you buy them from a specialist leather pants business it will be worth it in the long run.

Perhaps you prefer biker leather pants. There are hundreds of websites that specialize in durable leather pants and accessories for this lifestyle. Included in the goods available, for men and women, are leather motorcycle jackets, leather vests and leather racing suits. Clearly, the fit of these leather pants is vital; so ideally go for a leatherwear business that will give refunds.

Vintage leather pants are also popular, and they are increasingly easy to get hold of. Second hand leather is cheap online, either through second hand leather pants websites, or auction sites which you can search for leather pants. Some leatherwear websites even specialize in WWII leather goods, such as pilot jackets and authentic leather pants.

Whatever you choose, once you have bought your leather pants you will need to know how to take care of them. Newly purchased leather pants should be treated immediately to prevent stains from water and other liquids - as unprotected leather is one of the fabrics most susceptible to stains. An overuse of oil or wax, however, can clog the leather pants and stop the fabric from circulating air. You may have to buy a water and stain repellent, which are also available online.

I would not recommend the use of household cleaning fluid, shoe cream, mink oil or saddle soap to clean your leather pants, as these will darken the leather garment. Treat the leather pants like your skin, and always test a cleaner on a patch of the leather twenty-four hours before applying to the whole leather pants.

If your leather garment gets wet, let it dry naturally at room temperature and never put in a machine dryer. Applying a hairdryer to the garment at room temperature is one solution if the leather jacket has a faux fur trim. Just do not overheat any leather clothes, as can make them shiny.

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

How to Win at Multiplayer First Shooter Games

The way most first player shooters score kills is simple to understand the harder it is to make the kill the more points you get. This means that if you kill someone with a knife you will get more points then someone using a chain gun, but running around with just your knife out is a big gamble unless you are extremely skilled at the game. This method of play will usually just make you the biggest loser.

One way to get a good score is to take a long range weapon like a sniper rifle and camp out near the enemy camps spawn point. By doing this every time someone on the opposing team gets killed they will instantly revert back to the spawn point and you can shoot them, then they will disappear and then reappear and you can shoot them again.

You get fewer points like this, but it is the same principal as playing roulette in the casinos, it is easier to get many smaller wins, rather then one big win.

When using this method try to pick your location using your head and do not just take a gamble on your sniping spot. You will want to have the advantage of height, but sometimes if you can get a good shot and be in a lower location it may be the last place someone looks for you. Many of the newer first player games allow the sun to be used as it would in real life. So going up a hill and having the sun at your back will give you a natural advantage in the game, and allow you to snipe from the same spot for a longer time before someone finds and kills you.

Another way to get a higher score is to work as a team with other players. Most people playing a First Player Shooter are playing alone with the goal of running around and killing everything that moves, but if you and some friends are playing you can use each other as in real combat. Now that you have other people watching your back as a unit you can be a more effective killer in the game, an example of this is that in some of the delta force games you can take a helicopter and if your friend is flying it you and another friend can man the chain guns and you can cover a bigger area, and deciding on a plan before starting the game you can develop a good strategy as a professional gambler or Online Poker player would allowing you to focus on 1 thing instead of many different aspects of the game.

Many times I would jump into the pilots chair and other players would jump in and I would circle the enemy camp but the players in the back of my chopper would not attack instead they would jump out or just wait for me to land instead of helping me attack from the air. So instead of increasing our chances of winning by working together they just wanted to be a team of 1. This will decrease the chances of our team winning the game, just like a player at a blackjack table can make all the other players lose by making bad decisions when it is that players turn.
Formulating a good strategy, playing as a team and using all available tools at your disposal you can not only win more games and get more points, you will also have a better online gaming experience, and this applies to playing first person shooter games and gambling in online casinos.

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

How to become a Vegas Showgirl

All of the big Las Vegas casinos put on shows to attract crowds to the casino, and instead of hiring new dancers every time the change the show, they hire full time dancers and these girls are called Showgirls.

If you have ever thought about putting elaborate costumes and dancing in front of crowds every night, then becoming a Vegas Showgirl may be the job for you.

Being a Vegas Showgirl is not an easy job. You must be in top physical condition if you expect to be a professional dancer, and it is important to remember that not everyone will make it, becoming a professional dancer is a roll of the dice, you have better odds of winning an
Online Craps game then making it as a dancer.

There are several things you can do to help improve your chances of getting your carrier as a Las Vegas Casino dancer started:

Dance lessons, if you want to be a professional dancer you have to learn several different styles of dance, and dance them all well. This may be the hardest part to becoming a dancer. This part will take many years and require you to spend several hours a day every day taking dancing lessons.

Physical Conditioning, dancing requires lots of endurance and stamina. Besides the workouts you will get from all the dancing lessons you will take you will also need to work out on your own regularly. These workouts should include aerobic and some weight training.

Weight training should not be done to build muscle mass only for building strength and muscle toning. The best way to do this is by doing high repetition counts of low weights. This method will make the existing muscles stronger but will not bulk you up.

To pursue a carrier in dancing in a Vegas Casinos it is important to target the leg, stomach and back muscle groups. It is from these muscle groups that a dancer moves.

Diet, Dancers are required to be tossed around and lifted into the air, not to mention the fact that most dancers are skin tight and for these reasons dancers must always watch their weight.

Many Las Vegas Showgirls have to get on the scale every week and if they gain weight they could get thrown out of the show. Always remember there are many people that dream of dancing professionally, and the casinos will not hesitate to throw a girl out and replace her for the slightest reason.

Once you feel you are good enough you can start sending in resumes. A resume should include each different style of dance that you know and how long you have been doing it, and it should also include all prior dance experience.

A good way to get experience is to get yourself in as many different things you can. Local theater groups are a great way to gain experience. Getting a job as a dance instructor Is also a good way to gain experience and practice at the same time.

By sending your resume to all the different casinos you can greatly increase your chances of getting at least one audition. Do not expect to get hired at the more popular casinos on your first audition. The bigger Las Vegas casinos usually like to hire girls with more experience, so you will probably have to work as a showgirl at a smaller casino first.

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

The 10 Fun Benefits to Halloween

Many people see Halloween as a time of fun, costumes and candy. Others see it as a way to honor the dead relatives that have passed or celebrate the coming of fall and winter. No matter what you think of Halloween, there are some benefits that celebrating this holiday can offer you. Here is a look at just some of them.

It's fun.

Halloween is fun all around. People enjoy dressing up and decorating. Fun can help people of all ages reduce the amount of stress, improve depression, and bring balance to their lives.

No dress code.

For the majority of your life, someone has dictated what you wear. Whether it was your parents or a dress code imposed on you by the schools or workplace. Halloween is the one day a year where it is socially acceptable to get a little wild.

Express yourself.

You may have a “going out” personality that you share with your friends and coworkers, and a totally different hidden side that you keep to yourself. However, it can be quite therapeutic to express that side of you once in awhile, and Halloween is a great way to do it. For instance, if you normally dress in dark colored, conservative clothes, a bright and flashy Halloween costume can be a lot of fun.

An excuse to socialize.

Everyone loves a party, but with today's busy schedules it can be difficult to find the time to get out and socialize. The many Halloween events help you to create opportunities to go out with friends.

Avoid being self conscious.

If you are normally they shy person in the corner at parties, then a Halloween party is one of the times where you can actually be yourself and become a social butterfly. Hiding behind a mask and costume can give you more self confidence to go out and meet people.

The gift of receiving.

Receiving treats while trick-or-treating is a lot of fun for children. Plus, it can be a teachable moment for parents to remind kids to be polite, speak clearly, and say thank you for items received.

The gift of giving.

By the same token, children can also learn about giving graciously. Whether it is helping to hand out treats or donating their outgrown costumes to the needy, it can be a great teaching moment.

Family moments.

Halloween offers plenty of moments for family fun. Whether it is a journey to the pumpkin patch, cooking up Halloween treats, or planning your own costume party, families benefit from spending fun times together.

Catching the spirit.

Even if you personally do not want to dress up for Halloween, it can be fun to see what everyone else chooses to do. There are always some unique and interesting costumes out there that might inspire you for next year.

Meet your neighbors. With everyone's busy schedules and the hesitancy of parents to send children out alone, you may not get the opportunity to meet those who live on the same street as you do. Trick-or-treating allows you to walk right up, knock, and say hello without anyone thinking twice about it.

There are plenty of other benefits that come along with the Halloween holiday, these are just a few. So why not create some reasons of your own?

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Passover: Laugh While Cleaning

Passover, or Pesach as it is called in Hebrew, is the 8 day festival where the Jews celebrate their liberation from Egypt more than a thousand years ago. One of the most important features of this freedom festival is that the Jews cannot eat anything that is leavened. They eat unleavened bread.

They must also make sure that no bread crumbs exist in or around the house: the cupboards, the drawers, the kitchen, behind the bed, under the refrigerator and anywhere else where crumbs might have fallen through. To ensure that the house is clean of leavened food materials, the Jews have to clean the entire house from top to bottom as thoroughly as possible. And they do. During the week before Passover, house cleaning is what goes on in most Jewish houses. To answer this demand and to ease the tension, here is a joke on this subject called Impossible Timing, which highlights this cleaning tension.

Impossible Timing:
Samuel, an observant Jew, who was also a financial wizard, left Brooklyn to accept the position of Vice President in a famous broker firm in Utah, which is well known for being a Mormon state.

When they learned this, the company's directorate applied tremendous pressure on the company's president. "We are religious people here," they said. "It can't be that a Jew will handle all our money."

The president tried to ward them off, but when he couldn't manage it anymore, he called Samuel to his office and explained the situation to him. Samuel was offered the choice of either converting or leaving the attractive job which also had a six figure salary quote attached to it.

Samuel had no choice but to convert, and he went home and told his wife that from Sunday, they will start attending the Church services.

A few months went by and his wife kept troubling Samuel about the conversion. "This is too difficult for me. I miss the Sabbath: lighting candles and blessing the wine. I miss the holidays. Money is not everything, Samuel dear."

And with each time that his wife complained, Samuel's conscience increased until he could not take it anymore and he went to meet the company's President.
"Look, I can't go on like this," Samuel said. "I am full of regret. Money is not everything. I can't sleep and neither can my wife. This is too heavy a burden for me to carry. I was born a Jew and I want to die a Jew. And if you want me to quit, I will without making any trouble."

The President looked at him in wonder, "Listen, Samuel, I had no idea that this was so difficult for you. I thought it was a trivial matter. But you don't have to leave. Everything will be the same as before: you can stay here with us without converting.

Samuel returned home happy and grinning from ear to ear. He ran to his wife, who was watching Ricky Lake, "You won't believe it! It's a miracle. We are going back to being Jews, and I still retain my job."

His wife looked at him with eyes that spat fire, and said," Are you mad?"

Samuel was shocked. "But I thought that this is what you wanted!" He cut in. "All this while you have been crying and complaining. Don't you wish to go back to becoming a Jew""

His wife looked at him with ever more fury, "Of course I want to. Of course I want to," she said. "But now? Only a week before Passover?"

Senin, 16 Januari 2012

The Essential, Indispensable Appendage - The Phone

It's like an appendage, almost. Men don't leave home without their cell phones the way women have never left without their purses.

Remember when you used to say, "If that phone rings one more time, I'm going to scream," while rising once again from the dinner table to pick up the extension
in the kitchen. Or the hallway.

Phones are great. We live in a great society in which we can "connect" with anyone, anywhere, any time. We are in the advanced age of communication technology, and we like it. It's so much easier to get things done,more quickly and efficiently these days, especially when we have a cell phone (or two).

You probably want one for your personal calls and another one just for business. And most people like one by their side all weekend -- kids, too.

There's also usually no limit to the amount of calls you get to make, because phone companies are all dashing around, lowering prices to compete for your business.

You can drive and be on the phone at the same time. If you're at the movies with a friend or your spouse, it's so reassuring to have your phone with you so you can check on the kids, see if the dry-cleaning you dropped off earlier is ready, and call your home phone to check the messages you missed while you were watching the movie.

And the array and style and shape of phones are just out of sight! They can come with either all the bells and whistles you could ever wish for, or they can be really simple, like those white cordless phones with the really huge number pads on them, just for the elderly. This business leaves no one out!

Who ever thought shopping for phones would become an interesting, fascinating pastime? Phone trade shows get national recognition; they're even featured on TV news programs now.

But why is it, then, when you go to the office, your eyes bulge every time the phone rings? We like the phone. It's a GOOD thing, because it CONNECTS us.

Still, there is an underlying resentment at having to obey an inanimate object that makes a periodic, shrill sound. No, we don't like the phone. We hate the phone. We turn our speaker phone on at first so we won't have to keep picking up and putting down the receiver. Then we just hit the "Do not disturb" or "Busy" button featured on most modern office phones and just let the voice mail pick it up. We can't be bothered with any more calls! We have work to do here! What do these people think we are, the operator?

No kidding. And what a great feeling you get when you slide into the driver's seat for your commute back home, relaxing slowly from the day, and taking out your cell phone to call someone you WANT to talk to. Now, that's different.

Phones are absolutely vital to our existence, and they are here to stay, in one form or another. We love our phones, but we hate our phones: It's an emotional kind of thing.

But don't worry: You know it's just a matter of time, and then they'll have support groups for that.

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

How does assisted living work?

Assisted living facilities are meant for senior citizens and the disabled who require housing, and assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, and assistance with taking medicine. These facilities enable people to follow an independent lifestyle and at the same time provide the right type of assistance needed in day-to-day activities. Occupants of assisted living facilities are generally unable to live independently but are also not in need of full-time care. Thus, an assisted living facility offers an alternative to nursing homes that are more suitable for senior citizens with a greater need for care.

Assisted living facilities are sometimes referred to as residential care, personal care, adult congregate living care, domiciliary care, retirement residences, adult homes, etc. Assisted living facilities often operate in conjunction with nursing homes and independent living residences. Together, the three constitute Continuing Care Retirement Communities. Thus, an individual can start by shifting into an independent living residence and move on to assisted living facilities or a nursing home depending upon his requirements as he ages.

Housing facilities can be private single rooms or private suites. Assisted living residences often have ensuite bathrooms and common dining facilities. The occupant and housing facility are expected to enter into a written occupancy agreement. Assisted living facilities can provide housekeeping, meal services, laundry, and round-the-clock emergency services. 

The personal assistance provided at assisted living facilities ensure that the dignity and self-respect of the occupants are upheld and that they get ample opportunities to socialize, make friends, and also keep in touch with their family. The assistance can be either routine or intensive. The personal assistants are trained to be mindful of the requirements and values of senior citizen. They usually hold a college home support/resident care aide certificate or have the required balance of experience and learning. Personal assistants may operate under the supervision of professionals such as registered nurses.

The key points to be borne in mind while selecting an assisted living facility should include :

-    Atmosphere – This would include the size of the facility, visiting hours, opportunities for socialization, and meal-related information. 

-    Activities – Factors such as flexibility of schedule, presence of lounge areas, and chance of interacting with neighboring communities should be considered.

-    Amenities – Presence of exercise facilities, availability of equipment for supporting patients with special needs, religious facilities, and storage space are the amenities that should be present.

-    Costs – Costs of staying at the facility, rate at which expenses fluctuate, as well as services and utilities included in the costs are some of the features that should be considered while checking out the costs.

A facility should be visited and the opinions of staff and residents should be taken into consideration. In order to get a complete picture, the facility should be visited on multiple occasions at different times of the day over a period of time.

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Unheard and Unseen: The Plight of America's Homeless Poor

With the rare exception of a special report produced by educational television channels and shown sandwiched between reruns late at night, we seldom see the faces of America's enormous homeless population. They live their street lives in decaying downtowns and slum districts, hidden from our daily commute between work and the suburbs.

I live in the Los Angeles County section of Southern California. Within my one county are more than 90,000 people who have nowhere to call home. Like most of my neighbors, I never use public transportation or visit the poorer areas. Unless I make a special effort, I never see the thousands on the sidewalks.

It is only when disaster strikes a poor area that the country sees the face of poverty. After Andrew in southern Florida and Katrina on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Mississippi, the omnipresent television cameras caught a glimpse of what it is like to be poor in America. We saw the faces of the forgotten lined up in the Superdome and had to admit that the national dream of success and a comfortable lifestyle does not extend to everyone.

There are those who believe that the poor bring on their own misery. That anyone with any motivation would be able to work themselves out of the mess. Certainly there are thousands of homeless who have drifted away from the larger society because of drugs or mental illness, the have-nots who fail to qualify for the treatment and rehabilitation programs established for the more fortunate.

Many thousand more are simply victims of domestic violence, illness, structural unemployment, or a series of events that devastated their former working or middle class lives. Many thousands are simply the working poor. Lacking skills and contacts, they trudge daily to minimum wage, low level positions: motel maid, security guard, custodian, waitress, or day labor. The minimum wage is a social farce for a single individual, never mind someone with children or family to support.

Can Congress or the Administration explain how someone clearing less than $200 per week can feed and clothe themselves and their family and yet set aside enough money for even the cheapest apartment? Can the finest financial minds in the country calculate how to pay first and last month rent and a security deposit when there are only pennies left at the end of the week?

Yet President Bush moved to suspend the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act for the rebuilding of New Orleans. Is it his theory that the poor don't deserve the protection of prevailing wages so he can use that money to protect them from terrorism?

The poor and the homeless don't even think about a bomber at an airport or what's happening in the Middle East. They have more pressing concerns such as where is their next meal coming from, how can they educate their children, and where would be the safest place to spend the night.

And the oil companies, with their already obscene profits, get a tax break.

Where are we heading, folks?

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Where Did The UGG Boot Appear From?

The ugg boot originated in Australia where the term was used to describe any boot made of sheepskin. The word ugg was thought to have stemmed from the word ugly as the boots were not deemed to have been very aesthetically pleasing. So, how did they develop from the ugly boot to the must have fashion item of the past year?

The ugg boot was used by pilots in World War I as its fleece lining was ideal to keep their feet warm. For the same reason it is believed that farmers from as long ago as the 1930’s wore the boots in the fields. The boots grew in popularity in the 1960’s when surfers would put them on when they came back to shore and they then started to be worn around the house as extravagant slippers during the winter months.

These ugg boots are still made by many manufacturers in Australia – remember that the term ugg is used for a style and it not a brand name there – but they are now having to market them as Australian Sheepskin Boots and not Ugg Boots. This is because a US company has been founded called UGG Australia and Ugg Boot is now a registered brand name.

Nobody quite knows when these boots became a fashion item and stopped being used for practical reasons alone. Obviously, their comfort, warmth and practicality have helped them grow in popularity but nothing sells a product as well and as quickly as celebrity endorsement and Ugg boots have had an awful lot of that. Celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Pamela Anderson, Kate Moss and Sienna Miller have all been seen wearing them and openly confess to being fans of the footwear.

Sheepskin Ugg boots are available in two different lengths – tall and short. The tall version almost comes up to the knee whereas the shorter style is not much more than an ankle boot. They can have a flat heel or a slightly raised chunky one and can be lace up or slip on styles. The boots are available in shades of brown and beige, in addition to which are the pink and purple ranges available in women’s sizes only.

By now you have probably gathered that the Ugg boot is ideal to wear in cold weather as they keep your feet lovely and warm. However, due to the nature of sheepskin, you are not advised to wear them in excessively wet or muddy conditions. They are also impractical for snowy weather.

If you so find you need to clean your boots at any time you must always use cold water to do so. Hot water can permanently damage the delicate sheepskin and so should be avoided at all costs. For the same reason, you must ensure your boots are left to dry naturally and are not situated near a direct heat source. The boots should be stuffed with newspaper when drying in order for them to keep their shape. The newspaper also absorbs some of the moisture from the boot and so aids the drying process. Chemical products are available to help with the cleaning process but they should be used with care and only products specifically for this type of boot should be used as others may cause damage.

Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Sports Betting Tips: How to Bet on Sports Successfully

Sports betting is one of the most exciting types of gambling. The suspense, the tension, the great satisfaction when it turns out that you have made the correct prediction, not to mention the added bonus of winning cash money… Even if you are not a particular sports fan, betting on sports certainly adds an interest in sports.

There is more than one way to bet on sports. You can choose between flying to Vegas and placing a bet at one of the flashy casino sportsbook while watching sports on big plasma screens, staying at home and wagering at one of the thousands of online sportsbooks available on the net, at your neighborhood bookie, your office pool… Wherever you choose to wager, here are some useful sports betting tips.

Sports betting is a game of skill, which takes years of learning and practicing to master and still, even professional gamblers who make their living from betting on sports, lose. It basically means two things: first, intuition and luck are great benefits in sports betting as in other types of gambling, but if you rely exclusively on them, you are doomed to lose lots of money. Second, restrain your expectations and try to have fun.

In sports betting, as in most types of gambling, the advantage is not on your side. However, the knowledgeable bettor has better odds of enjoying a successful sports betting experience than the spontaneous gambler who places a bet following his gut feeling and wishful thinking. Therefore, do your homework and make sure you understand the basics of sports betting.

Learn everything you can about the odds, the type of sports, the teams or players who take part in the match you are betting on. All the information you are seeking is available online within a mouse click distance, so there is no reason to be lazy about it.

If you are betting online, choose only reputable online sportsbooks that have been around for at least a year, are licensed, regulated and members of a gambling association, so if you will not be paid on time, or at all, at least you would have an address for your complaints.

Limit yourself to a small selection of games to wager on. The more games you pick the lower the chances of stepping out as winner.

While you choose, make sure that you know why you making your specific decision. Again, giving full trust to your intuition and or your emotion as a sports fan is the best strategy to empty your bankroll.
If you cannot help but wagering on your favorite team regardless to the odds and to the basic common sense, at least make it minimal: place small amount of money so you would still be able to have fun watching the game.

If, God forbid, you lose, do not be tempted to bet more or you will end up in an endless circle of chasing your bets. Trust me; you do not want to go there.

If you win big time, do not invest your entire winning on betting at once. It will be wiser and more responsible to be satisfied with betting only a certain portion of your winning.

Remember, proportion is a key word. Taking everything in proportion, including when winning, losing your money and or watching your favorite team lose, is the best strategy to minimize the financial and emotional damage.
and do not forget to have fun!

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

How Legalized Online is Better for Society

The question we should be asking is, by banning online gambling are we going to make things better or worse?

The answer to that question is simple, banning legalized and regulated online gambling in any form, just makes another way for organized crime to get a hold of peoples money, and then no one but the criminals win.

If you want to keep a child from seeing an R rated movie you do not ban the movie from the theaters do you? No that would be silly you just make sure that people are doing there best to check and verify that no one under 18 gets into see the movie. By banning the movie chances are greater that someone will get a bootleg copy and show it to every kid in the town.

So if you want to keep a child from gambling online then all the online casinos should be regulated and monitored, not banned.

The same goes for terrorists. If you believe terrorist groups are exploiting an unregulated and unmonitored industry such as the online gambling industry, then by regulating it you can see where the money is going and make sure it is not going to fund international terrorist attacks. All that is accomplished by banning it is that the criminals get a stronger grip on the industry.

The ban on online gambling is much like the war on drugs. If marijuana was legalized in the USA crimes related to it would almost go away completely, because it would be sold in stores and it would be controlled, another advantage would be that people would no longer be going to jail for marijuana related charges, this means thousands of less people getting arrested and going to jail every year, which would save us tax money that could be better spent.

By making online gambling in the USA a legalized form of adult entertainment it would also bring in an estimated 1.2 billion dollars in taxes to the American government. This money could be used for schools, police and universal healthcare for all Americans.

This is how you improve society, not by telling people what to do. It is human nature to want what we can not have so the more laws you put in place to stop people from doing something the better the chances are that people are going to do it.

People are just as likely to become addicted to gambling at a regulated casino as an unregulated one, but the difference is that in a regulated casino they will not extend you the amount of credit that will get you into trouble in an illegal casino.

And in a regulated casino they will have information on how to get help if you have a gambling problem. In an illegal casino they will not have this type of information, they want you to continue to gamble till you have nothing left, and then they will let you fall and find someone to take your place.

In the long run society can only prosper if we educate people on the dangers of gambling both online and in a casino, and not from banning an industry that employs thousands of people in countries all over the world. No one gains anything from just telling people they can not do something that they are going to do anyway.

It is about time the government learned this and stopped making the same mistakes year after year.

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Texas Holdem: 4 Betting Structures Explained

Even though the United States have made it illegal to gamble online, poker keeps on gaining popularity through the different tournaments that are shown on television such as the World Series of Poker by ESPN. This created a problematic situation: while players claim that poker is not a game of chance, the US government decided that it is.

For a few weeks, panic erupted in the poker world as rumors spread like bushfires that this ban would stop all tournaments. But this proved to be untrue. In fact, because of the online gambling ban, the popularity of tournaments only increased. And in most of these tournaments, the favored game is Texas Holdem.

This article focuses on those planning to take what was once their online casino pastime to a poker tournament close by. You will need to follow some basic betting structures, and we describe these for you. Even if they seem difficult to follow, don't worry. Just practice these at home with friends and you will soon learn the flow of these wagering structures.

Note: Remember that all the games rely on a basic maximum and minimum wager, and all the betting structures should be understood accordingly. Keep in mind that each game has a set limit that is fixed before the game commences. Once begun, the limit remains unchanged until the end. Note also that the tournament organizers or the casinos are those that decide these limits.

1) Structured Wagering Limit:
This means that there are two limits you play to. During the first two rounds, you place wagers according to the lower sum, and then you start betting according to the higher amount set. When you find a game called according to two amounts such as 4/8 dollar limit, then, it means that this game will be played according to the structured wager. Another thing to remember when entering such poker games is that you can only place four wagers each round and not one more.

2) Spread Limit Wager:
Here, you are free to place wagers in a pre-set range and you don't have to place fixed bets. When you find that the limit is within a range then it means that you have found a game that will be played according to the spread limit. Examples are games which can be played between a range of twenty to a hundred dollars. Note that such games do turn out to be expensive because some might bet according to the high limit. Another variation of the spread limit bet is to have a range of four wagers. What this means is that there is a certain amount you can bet for the round before the flop, for the round on the flop, and on the round after the flop and a certain amount for the river.

3) Basic Pot Limit Bet:
In such Texas Holdem games labeled as being played according to the basic pot limit, what it means is that you can place wagers anywhere between the amount that is the big blind and the total size of the game pot. Here too, take note that games such as these can result in high cash pots.

4) No Limit Betting:
This is the one version that pulls in the high rollers from all over. Here, there is not limit at all one how much you wager or raise. Note that unless you are a high-roller or unless you have a tremendous amount of experience <a href="">playing Texas Holdem</a> at tournaments, stay clear of such games.

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Sex Discrimination

Have you ever filled in an application? If you are a grown up with large experience in business, traveling or just purchasing something, you had to deal with an application obligatory. Except your first and last name there is another question that you have to answer. Denote your sex: male or female. Nowadays this is an obligatory question to answer only because some peculiarities need to be clarified. No discrimination here. Finally we have social equality. Both men and women have equal rights. But discrimination can still be observed.

Let’s go back to ancient times. According to the law of ancient Greece, a country which is considered to be a motherland of democracy, women were left with no rights and practically treated like animals. Then step by step we can see the situation improving. Greek Goddesses were equal in powers with Gods. Women were taught several arts and deeds of several famous women were highlighted in mythology. But still they had no right to vote, to have personal property, to govern the land and to speak before they were asked. By the way, this law is still in power in some Muslim countries, were women also have to hide their bodies and cover their faces. An average Muslim woman can’t read and write, for the law forbids her to. But the strangest thing about the fact is that she is happy, despite this obvious discrimination. This is the result of ideological influence. The history of some of the Muslim countries goes deep into the millennium BC. Not a speck has changed since then. Religious beliefs are still the same. Some students use this information while writing a term paper. The topic is still burning and leaves a lot to think about.

You don’t have to go very far to get information. There was the same situation in Europe, the crib of civilization. Women had no right to vote, but they were to know how to read, to write, to do accounting, to watch over the household and other things. Rather liberal, you can say. But with the development came women’s desire to be equal to a man. Women went to colleges, worked as lawyers, made careers in politics and this is where discrimination showed its true face. If a company was to choose between a man-lawyer and a woman-lawyer, their choice would be a man, because there was no belief in woman’s ability to cope with tasks that a lawyer should do. Women in politics were met very coldly. No man considered a woman to be strong enough to represent other people’s ideas in front of the parliament. According to man’s logics, woman couldn’t be involved in scientific research and couldn’t serve her motherland in the army. Now the situation has been greatly improved. Feminism was a great motivator for women who didn’t join the stream, to themselves in a bit different role than a mother and a housewife. Now women and men are equally treated and there seems to be no discrimination. But if to go deeper into the problem, the essence of it still exists and women still suffer from discrimination. The only difference is that now they consider it unacceptable and fight for their rights while in Middle Ages they were quite satisfied with their status.

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

Quel Cadeau Offrir A Vos Employes

Les Soirées Entreprises:

Marre des traditionnels restaurants sur des péniches, ou dans des cabarets traditionnels pour essayer de contenter tout le monde? Pourquoi ne pas réaliser alors organiser une journée casino au sein de l'établissement.

Pour cela, rien de plus simple. L’option première consiste à faire appel à des animateurs de soirée casino qui, en plus d’apporter le matériel, vous serviront de croupier pour l’ensemble de vos jeux pour près de quatre heures de rire et de détente. L'avantage, ces jeux resserrent les équipes et permet de découvrir la face cachée de chaque employé.

Les cadeaux traditionnels:

1) Les Objets Publicitaires
On y retrouve du plus classique à la perfection du Hi-Tech tels les équipements portatifs de téléphonie, les MP3, les DvX, lecteur CD, radio-réveil, sans oublier les vêtements ou chapeaux personnalisés, ou encore les célèbres stylos plume ou plus original, un livre sur le thème professionnel de votre choix comme comment s'épanouir au travail. Eux aussi on la part belle. On en trouve pour tous les budgets et pour tous les goûts. Ces derniers sont d'excellents supports publicitaires pour afficher la marque de votre entreprise. Bien que la plus part des personnes soit déjà pourvues de ce genre d'accessoires, ces derniers restent banals.

Ce qui est sur d'atteindre votre but, ce sont tous les cadeaux de maroquinerie. En effet, sur le cuir, vous pouvez inscrire ou encrer votre logo d'entreprise discrètement et être sur que l'employé l'utilisera. Cela va du simple portefeuille en cuir au porte-documents, sans oublier le conférencier et le kit de voyage.

2) Pour Noel
Traditionnellement, l'entreprise se fixe sur des corbeille d'assortiments gastronomiques composés de foie gras en boite, avec une mini bouteille de champagne et ou de vin. N'oublions pas non plus les boites de chocolat, re-designer pour l'occasion mais gare à la date d'expiration car combien d'employés ont déjà reçu un "chocolat empoisonné" du fait de la péremption?
Alors pourquoi ne pas innover? Pourquoi ne pas offrir à vos employés des places de théâtre, autre que celles proposées par votre Comité d'Entreprise. En prix de groupe, cela vous reviendra moins cher et pourrez profitez de cette économie en proposant par exemple un dîner gourmet dans la cantine redécorée pour l'occasion.

Ou encore, pensez aux articles de cuisine, l'art de la table, la salle de bain, autant de lieux "visités" régulièrement par les consommateurs, et où il est donc judicieux de vouloir "placer" des objets publicitaires à leur marques et messages. Citons aussi les outils de jardinage, les plantes, les sets de table, les horloges etc.

Autres Idées Cadeaux:
D'autres idées cadeaux sont présentes pour vos employés. Tenez, par exemple le secteur de la bagagerie publicitaire, les t-shirts et casquettes personnalisés qui sont de très bons supports pour afficher votre marque de manière bien visible.

Pour vous rendre encore plus original, pensez vacances. Quel est l'élément qui vous sera utile pendant vos voyages? Des jumelles? Pourquoi pas? Ou alors un réfrigérateur réchauffeur? Un équipement de volants et raquettes de badminton pour les remettre en forme?

Vous voyez les idées ne manquent pas.

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

One step closer to immigrating to the US: submitting your application

One step closer to immigrating to the US: submitting your application

So, you're ready to jump through some hoops to immigrate to the United States, huh? Well, it really isn't all that daunting a process if you're prepared for it. Unfortunately, a lot of technical requirements and miscellaneous tasks await a person who is ready to migrate to a new country, especially one with the intense border control of America. Don't you think you should know what they are?

Remember that as you go through the immigration process, your embassy or consulate will have a lot of power and so will the American immigration officer; in fact the latter will have the final say. Evidence, documents, and attitude aside, you aren't ever in total control of your immigration. So make sure you cross your t's and dot your i's! Try to be as accurate and complete with your application process so that you don't encounter any obstacles on the road to your new living arrangement.

Before submitting your immigration application, there are some things to keep in mind. In order to avoid pitfalls that often haunt others trying to accomplish the same goal, follow the tips below:
·    Your passport will be important when applying for a visa. Make sure it is up to date and has accurate information about you
·    It's easy to download an immigration form online; just make sure it's the proper one and you have Acrobat Reader for viewing – also, when you go to print, you may be required to print it out back to back and with certain dimensions
·    Fill out the form as extensively and deeply as you can, otherwise put “N/A”
·    An up to date, face-fronting photo with high contrast is a must for your application so have this on hand
·    Your host in the U.S. can start putting the process in motion by sending in all necessary, up-to-date documents to the embassy you are dealing with; you'll want to be sure that there are no inconsistencies with the information your host and you give the embassy
·    Prepare to answer questions during your interview about why you are immigrating to the U.S.; there are certain qualifications to do such a thing and you must be careful that you don't disqualify yourself on accident!

You can easily obtain a visa application visiting U.S. government Web sites on the World Wide Web. and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services are tremendous resources for you.

Now, in order to submit your visa, you must locate the appropriate embassy to submit it to. Make an appointment with the consulars office and ask about fees ahead of time.

What you will need is: a passport, important documents, visa application forms (of course), and payment for whatever fees. Once the consulars office “okay's” you, you'll then greet an immigration officer in America. Essentially, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will determine the length of your stay and all those other important details about your immigration status.

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

One Day In A Central Asian School For Children With Special Needs

While working on a student practical task in one of the Universities of Asia, in Department of Psychology, I had an opportunity to visit a boarding school for children with chronic psychic illnesses or underdevelopment. That was an unforgettable experience. The boarding school was an old ugly building on outskirts of a big city, behind a ravine, and very difficult to find without a guide. Our group of students, walked there for about 40 minutes, and eventually we found the high fence and gray building behind it.

We were asked to put on white doctor smocks, and after that we entered the building. First thing that shocked us, was very unpleasant smell inside the school, we met the director and she told us that unfortunately the amount of ill children had increased and it had been very difficult to find any donations or financial support for school. She asked us to bring old clothes if we could, because school could not support everybody and most parents just do not want to know and take care about their children. Some parents visit children ones or twice a year, and these children are considered lucky.

Then we were led to the girls’ part of the boarding school. There were girls of different ages, and as young specialists in the field of psychology we were surprised that there were children with different levels of underdevelopment in one single group. Some of them had only some chronic illnesses without mental disorders, but they were treated like mentally ill patients! The day schedule was the same for them everyday - they were sitting all in one room, all together about 35-40 children, or they had small walks around the building. I must admit that we had tears in our eyes, because it resembled a prison for little criminals.

These girls tried to hug us and we understood that they are in great need of love and attention. They were telling us that their parents would take them home soon. Some of older girls already had menstrual periods and they didn’t know what to do. Workers’ salary in this school is very low and there is no enough personal and nurses to help every child.

In the boys’ section of the school we saw very similar sad picture. About 35-40 children were sitting in one room with walls and chairs only. Some of the children had become degraded in those conditions.
Having had finished our practice most of us confessed, that during several days after the boarding school visit, they were seeing those children in their dreams at night while sleeping. That was a real shock for us. Most of us could not eat and sleep. Some of the students brought clothes and toys to that school.

This boarding school and other similar places are a very sad unknown side of the otherwise beautiful country and friendly people. Here in the United States, I have a huge wish and hope to find donations and support for the boarding school I visited 2 years ago.

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

One of America’s Best Kept Dirty Little “Secrets”

It can happen to anyone!! Young, old; rich, poor; Protestant, Catholic, atheist; it knows not the boundary of neighborhood good or bad; white, black, yellow, brown, green-it knows not the difference of color although it prefers African Americans who are poor; male or female it makes no difference although it prefers females between the age of 16-24. Eighty five to ninety percent of the victims are female who more than likely know their attacker.

It is estimated that it causes 25% of workplace problems like absenteeism, lower productivity, and excessive medical benefits use to the tune of more than $5.8 billion annually. Seventy eight percent of all Human Resource Directors recognize it as a substantial employee problem.  It costs corporate America $1.8 billion in lost productivity. Eight million man days of paid work and 5.6 million man days of household work are lost annually.

It is the largest cause of injury to middle aged women but it happens to men as well. It is estimated that between 3.3 million and 10 million children see it annually. Twenty two percent of middle class divorces are caused by it.

It affects every fabric of our society-it knows no limits. It is also estimated that nearly 50 percent of all suspected cases go unreported.

But I guess domestic violence in America is really not that important or cost enough in economic or social terms or you would hear more about it. I mean after all is said and done ninety percent of family violence defendants are never prosecuted.

One out of three women report some form of physical or sexual abuse in their lives most often a member of her own family. Maybe that’s not enough. Every year four to six million cases of physical violence occur in intimate relationships. Maybe that’s not enough. And remember only fifty percent of cases are reported.

Police respond differently to domestic violence calls than to other calls. Women in jail for a killing in a domestic disturbance get sentenced an average of 15 years while men get an average of 2-6 years. In 1990 there were 3800 animal shelters and 1500 shelters for battered women.

Why is there such a double standard or no standard? Indeed it is a very complicated issue that we are not going to solve today right here and now. But the laws on domestic violence need to change, society’s view of the problem has to change, and until that happens domestic violence as we know it will continue to flourish and grow.

In the meantime women would be well advised to be prepared and consider what to do in an emergency. There are a multitude of resources on the local, state and federal level available, but in the end it is going to fall on your shoulders to arm yourself with the tools for self defense or survival.

Those tools might include developing some knowledge of warning signs; learning some techniques on self defense; carrying some non-lethal self defense weapons; developing a workplace and personal safety plan. Don’t rely on someone else. You are the one that will make a difference!

Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Jeux de Casino: Comment Perdre de Argent Rapidement

Examinons donc les différentes théories de jeux existants, leur sérieux et leur efficacité, pour ne pas dire inefficacité.

Tout d'abord, il est une chose essentielle a toujours garde en mémoire: le jeu est un sport, un loisir lie aux aléas du hasard. Comprenez donc la chose suivante: rien ne peut défier le hasard. Perdre est donc naturel et il faut bien l'accepter.

Tout n'est donc que question de chance.

Ainsi, toutes les théories sur "Comment battre les Casinos" n'ont aucun fondement et n'ont, par ailleurs, jamais prouve leur efficacité.

Ces dernières n'ont été inventées que pour donner de faux espoirs de contrôle d'une partie, face a un manque de confiance en soi.

1) L'une des méthodes les plus célèbres est celle de parier sur un événement qui n'a pas eu lieu a un moment précis. Selon des calculs statistiques, un événement qui ne s'est pas produit a ce moment sera forcement récurent sous peu.
Grave erreur. Par exemple, a la roulette: 3 cases rouges sortent coup sur coup,le joueur parie alors sur une case noire pour le quatrième tour. Manque de chance, une autre case rouge est sortie.
Hors cette méthode est très courante au sein des casinos, surtout parmi les joueurs cherchant a battre le casino. Regardez donc le nombre de personnes autour du table avec leur air songeur! En fait, ils analysent les parties.

2) La seule méthode plus fiable jusqu'a présent fut le comptage de cartes des sabots. Or, sachez que les casinos peuvent mettre dans un même sabot 8 voir 10 jeux différents pour le Blackjack. Donc cette méthode n'est plus trop en vigueur de nos jours.
Cette dernière fut très prisée car non basée sur les probabilités, et offrant, a long terme, plus d'avantage sur le Casino.

3) Toutefois, certaines méthodes ont vues le jour comme les Martingales pour la <a href="">casino en ligne</a> pour la roulettes. Celles-ci ont au moins le mérite d'annoncer la couleur des le départ: "Aucune fiabilité a 100%". Toutefois, elles offrent l'avantage de proposer les meilleures possibilités de paris (comment miser pour récupérer la précédente mise,combien, etc..), tout en ayant fait d'avantages de preuves que la première.

Les casinos permettent-ils ceci ?

Les casinos connaissent même mieux que nous ces fameuses stratégies "miracles". Par conséquent, les casinotiers changent régulièrement leurs conditions générales de jeu ou leur matériel, sans pour autant être trop inquiètes. En effet, contre le comptage de cartes, le casino a par exemple rajouté des jeux dans son sabot afin de le rendre impossible.

De plus, ces derniers savent qu'a la longue, l'avantage revient a la maison (soit, le casino).

Mais pour éviter de tout perdre:

Autre que le conseil singulier de "faites attention a vos mises. Ne misez jamais plus que vous ne disposez", il est utile de rappeler que les allers/ retours a Las Vegas ou Atlantic City ne sont pas nécessaires pour pouvoir bénéficier de bons casinos. Le choix s'offre a vous,: dans votre région ou en ligne. Alors pourquoi gaspiller en plus de l'argent dans des billets d'avions tous les deux mois?

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Tips On Recycling Office Paper

There are several good reasons why office paper must be recycled. First, papers used in offices are usually high-grade, and it's a shame to see these quality paper reduced to waste. A staggering 77% of these papers are recyclable. Second, an average business office employee can produce a pound and a half of paper waste in working for a business office daily. Finance offices generate waste paper from two to three pounds per employee daily. Third, production costs can be lowered simply by reducing office paper costs and using used paper whenever possible. Removing office paper from the garbage can reduce waste collection fees by 50%. Fourth, a ton of paper recycled is 6.7 cu yds saved landfill space. Removing this much paper from our waste would prolong the service of present landfill sites. Whether your paper supplies are plain white paper, copier paper, office paper, inkjet paper, or letter paper, these are all easily recycled.

There are easy steps to recycling office paper. Recycling can start as soon as your employees are informed and consulted regarding the adoption of recycling schemes. Make sure that all employees know about the recycling program of your company. Recycling systems as simple as monitoring paper use and separating white paper from colored paper are widely-practiced in most offices. Placing labeled trash cans has proved to be an effective recycling method. Be sure, however, that the cans are placed where waste paper amounts to a significant number like in the computer rooms and records sections. Put the recycling can together in an accessible area so people will actually use them. Consulting the employees who work in that particular area where to position the recycling cans is a good idea. It's always a good idea to separate white papers like bond paper, copier paper, paper supplies, office paper, inkjet paper, and letter paper, together rather than mixing them with other paper like cardboard and newspapers. This way, even if you don't reuse the paper but sell them to recycling shops they will a higher value, since white paper costs more. It's also important to inform the maintenance crew. After all, you wouldn't want to waste your employees' recycling efforts undone by having an uninformed janitor haul your papers and dump them with food garbage. It's advised to train them how the recycling system works.

Lastly, these reams of bond paper, copier paper, paper supplies, office paper, inkjet paper, and letter paper materials can bring you good money. So it's recommended to have a log book or record book handy to record the amount or weight of office paper that came from your company. This way, you can keep track of your paper wastes and evaluate if your recycling paper program is actually working to reduce paper use and waste in your office. Also, by keeping a record and receipt, you can be sure to be properly paid for them by the recycling companies.

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Video Poker: Why Do People Like It

Yesterday, I was having a pint at my local bar when I noticed a small guy in a dark suit. Sitting to the far-right corner of the bar and away from all of us, this short man was crouched over a glowing video poker screen. Huh?

It was just a few months back that casinos all over the world and especially in Las Vegas were removing poker, baccarat and blackjack tables and adding more and more slot machines instead. But then something peculiar took place. Casino owners and employees noticed that one corner of the machines was more crowded than the rest. A short examination revealed that the games allocated to the slot section was none other than video poker. So why are so many interested players preferring video poker?

Here, I will try and answer some of the more practical reasons why this has happened and will happen even more and more:

1) The Odds: While slot machines offer odds that are pretty difficult to win on (and by that I mean the real big bucks), video poker machines are much easier when it comes to accumulating a large sum because it is somewhat based (even though loosely) on poker. This makes each player think that it is based on his skill more than just on luck.

2) More Choice: By this I am not referring to the pick of different slot machines, but rather to the fact that you have the choice of selecting the row to play with it whereas in slots, you have no real control after you press the button or pull the lever. It is not a secret that the principle of both these two games is to try and hit the money jackpot whether it is by getting the appropriate numbers or symbols aligned or whether it is by getting a royal poker flush. To do this in video poker, you have to pick from a number of five-hand cards.

3) Sitting Out: When playing at a slot machine, you have to play each and every time. If you want to stop, you have to clear the machine so that someone else can get a try. But this is not the case when playing video poker. This game allows you to simply sit out a round or two and then continue whenever you feel like.

4) Higher Money Ratio: Because of the chance that you can sit out any round where your cards are not any good. You have a bigger chance making an overall profit out of the time you spent playing at the casino whether it is an online casino or a land one or even whether it is just a small machine in the local diner or bar or regional gas station.

5) It is also said in many video poker circles and plenty of other articles around the web that the statistics of hitting higher paying options while playing video poker are higher in comparison to playing video slot machines.

Not withstanding all of the above reasons, the fact that poker is very popular and slot machines too only leads me to assume that a game combining the two will be greatly appreciated by any player of either of the two games but more so by those who enjoy the drone of the machine.

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

How to get Online Gambling legalized in the USA

For many people the several hors drive to the nearest casino just is not realistic because of their busy lives, in California last week a man was arrested for locking his kids in the car while he went into a casino to gamble, but he would have been able to sit at home and watch his kids if he could have logged into an online casino.

But the law is reversible. Now is the time when politicians who have been eyeing the ultimate seat of power will start declaring their intention on running in the next presidential election.

This is where the American people have the power. Now is the time to start protesting the Unlawful gambling act.

Thru protest at the candidate’s rallies you will tell them this is an issue that is not going away. The issue of online gambling managed to get the American people to put the Democrats into power in congress, and now it can do the same for the highest political office in the United States.

When ever a presidential hopeful is appearing in your area you should hold a rally outside where ever it is the candidate will be appearing. Try to locate the entrance and exit they will use and make sure t have people with signs and chanting slogans.

By making Online Gambling a hot issue the candidate will have to address it. If a candidate can not get votes they will not win so if they think they can win by getting the gambling vote they will take up your cause.

Besides protests, I also recommend

Letter writing campaigns: letter writing campaigns are a great tool it allows you to tell your leaders how you feel and gives them a good sense of how strong the American people feel about the subject.

Petitions: petitions are much the same as letter writing except that instead of thousands of letters the receiver of the petition only gets 1 letter with the names of all the signatures on it.

The internet is a great tool for protesting, it allows you to pass your letter or petition to people not only all over the country but the entire world, and can also help spread useful information about protest marches by being accessible to everyone with an internet connection

There are also several myspace pages dedicated to trying to get the laws changed thru protest. The Angryonlinegambler is one such page. He not only offers an online petition but also a message board for people to leave messages about gatherings, and rants about how the government is making the wrong decisions.

It is also important to highlight the benefits to legalized online gambling

Millions of dollars a year could go to the American Government from taxing American player’s winnings, and if American land based casinos were allowed to get into the action then the government could make hundreds of millions for schools, and to further the war on terrorism.

Legalized Online Gambling in the USA would create hundreds of thousand if not millions of much needed new jobs in the customer service industry in the United States and would there for benefit the government.