Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Casino Aquatique: Bienvenue Dans le Monde des Croisieres

Retrouvez tout le prestige de votre serie favorite combinant Las Vegas a la Croisiere s'amuse, pour quelques jours ou quelques semaines, en couple ou en famille!

Pour les amoureux des Caraibes, montez sur l'un de ces navires:

Empress of the Sea, l'un des plus prestigieux. Vous offre pour de bons petits plats le Restaurant Carmen et Windjammer Café, puis digestion au sein des salons Pub Caroussel, Pool Bar, Salon High Society, Salon Viking Crown. A Bord, divertissez vous:Centre de remise en forme, Ping pong, Piste de jogging, Mur d'escalade,2 Piscines extérieures, 4 Jacuzzis dont un intérieur, Casino et decouvrez ses nombreux jeux tels la <a ref="http://www.gambling-portal.com/roulette-americaine-fr.html">Roulette Americaine</a> sans oublier sa Discothèque, Salle de spectacles, Salle de cartes, Café internet.
Ce navire vous propose une croisiere inegalabe depuis San Juan:Caraïbes - Antilles, pendant 11 jours. Faites une escale a San Juan, Saint Martin, Saint Johns, Basse-Terre, Castries, Bridgetown, en mer, Isla Margarita, Willemstad, Oranjestad, en mer, pour revenir a San Juan.

Explorer of the Seas: Decouvrez pendant 7 jours le Mexique,Miami en mer,Belize City,Costa Maya. Services similaires a l'Empress. Pur votre bien etre: Salon de beauté, Complexe thermal complet, Sauna, Spa, Solarium.. Alors faites vous chouchouter.Au niveau des loisirs, profitez donc de la diversite, osez melanger culture a farniente grace aux :3 Piscines, 5 Jacuzzis, Casino, Discothèque, Salle de spectacles, Salle de cartes, Café internet, Le théâtre sur 3 ponts qui propose des productions dans le style de Broadway.

Majesty of the Seas: en partance de Miami, profitez d'une croisiere de 4 jours pour vous echapper aux Bahamas , Cocoay, Nassau, Key West et Miami.

Adventure of the Seas: en partance de SAn Juan, profitez d'une croisiere de 7 jours pour une escapade a Oranjestad, Oranjestad, Willemstad, en mer, Philippsburg, Charlotte Amalie, San Juan.

Sovereign of the Seas: plus riche que les precedants en matieres de loisirs pour enfants: au club Adventure Ocean, les enfants beneficieront des activités à la fois éducatives et récréatives (de 3 à 17 ans)
Le FantaSeas Teen centre propose quant a lui une large variété d'activités pour les ados telles que les chasses aus trésors ou repas pizzas.Au niveau de votre detente personnelle, vous retrouverez egalement le Shipshape center avec sauna, bains turcs, massages et salon de beaué
centre médical à bord.

Grandeur of the Sea. Presente les memes services que ses compatriotes. Laissez-vous charmer par la musique du pianiste au Schooner Bar, ou tentez votre chance au Blackjack dans leur casino. Allez voir un show façon Broadway dans une salle impressionnante sans vous déplacer 

Enchantement of the Seas:dispose de 2 restaurants principaux qui sont le My Fair Lady Dining room et le Windjammer Café. Les services presentes ci-dessus se retrouve egalement sur ce navire, casino inclus.
Pour une croisiere de 4 jours, decouvrez le Mexique au travers des escales suivantes:Fort Lauderdale, Key West, Cozumel, en mer, Fort Lauderdale. A ne pas en croire ses yeux. A moins que le comfort et le charme de ce navire vous eblouisse au point de ne vouloir debarquer...

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Casino Amigo: Pourquoi Organiser une Soiree casino entre Amis A Domicile.

Le week-end arrive, envie de voir du monde tout en restant dans votre cocon ou idée pour passer un excellent anniversaire? Alors pourquoi ne pas utilisez vos jeux de casino a domicile? Rien de tel pour passez des heures de fous rires et renouer des liens avec vos plus vieux camarades.

Contacter tout le monde pour vous fixer rendez-vous... chez vous.

Installez dans un coin de votre salon  votre table de roulette et une table de craps a l'autre bout. Dans une autre pièce que vous aurez réaménagée pour l'occasion, installez vos tables de Blackjack dans votre chambre par exemple et de poker dans une autre.

Votre cuisine, faites en donc un bar à volonté que vous pourrez toujours redécorer, sans coûts excessifs, façon Casino Enghien ou autre, selon vos goûts.

L'avantage de ces jeux?? Faire régner une ambiance incomparable.

Pourquoi la roulette et le craps dans le salon? Parce que vous constaterez par vous même que le jeu de du craps attire toujours plus de monde autour de la table et que la roulette inspire les éclats de voix. On ne peut clairement expliquer d'ou vient cette fascination pour les jeux de des et de bille tournant dans un cylindre, mais ce qui est sur, même au sein d'un casino réel, c'est que ces purs jeux de hasard laissent les gens toujours aussi dubitatifs devant les stratégies de mises et les pronostics émis a voix haute aussi bien par les joueurs eux-mêmes que ceux les assistants.

Rien de mieux pour mettre de l'ambiance, et le salon est la pièce idéale puisque pièce d'accueil de toute la communauté, située en général près de l'entrée.

Si votre chambre le permet, installer y les jeux de poker et / ou de blackjack. En effet, ces jeux, tout aussi attrayants que la roulette et le craps, demande cependant plus de concentration et un endroit plus confine serait le bien venu. De plus, cela donnerait la sensation aux invites de pouvoir se balader d'une table a une autre en toute liberté, comme en salle de casino véritable.

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

Casino: Ou Vous Rendre pour Votre Lune de Miel.

Encore en pleins préparatifs ou tout juste maries, vous vous rendez soudain compte qu'il faut aussi pensez au voyages de noces.... Dur, Dur ... Que choisir? Paris et sa splendide Tour Eiffel, l'Egypte et ses pyramides ou encore le romantisme de Venise et ses célèbres gondoles ou encore les Caraïbes?

Et chéri qui n'est pas d'accord sur votre choix? Alors pourquoi ne pas partir a Las Vegas!

Las Vegas, autre ses casinos, vous permet en effet de découvrir les sept merveilles du monde en un clin d'oeil. Vous voulez Paris et le charme de ses cafés? Pas de problème, rendez-vous au Paris Las Vegas! Ici, des votre arrivée, la Tour Eiffel, l'Arc de triomphe sans oublier le célèbre opéra Garnier vous accueillent a bras ouverts!Dans une architecture très Franchie style Haussmannien, vous retrouvez toutes les spécialités françaises et européennes au sein de ses fameux restaurants, sans oublier son casino.

Envie subite de vous dépayser. Rendez-vous Venetian! A Venise et ses gondoles... Quelle femme digne de ce nom ne souhaiterait pas passez sa lune de miel dans ce décor pittoresque, et rêvasser comme une jeune fille a l'aube de ses 20 ans, en attendant Casanova... Venez vous détendre au Venetian. Cet hôtel recrée pour vous les fameux canaux, les gondoles, les palais vénitiens et la réplique de la Piazza San Marco. Elégance et raffinement caractérisent le Venetian et ses 3000 chambres. Le Venetian abrite également une superbe galerie d'art avec le Guggenheim Hermitage Museum. Et pour découvrir encore plus de l'Italie, direction le Tuscany Suites Casino

Pour les nostalgiques d'Astérix et Obelix et du fameux Ave César, précipitez vous vite au Caesar's Palace! Conçue sur le modèle de la Rome antique, le Caesar's Palace accueille également des championnats du monde de boxe et des grands spectacles de vedette.

Envie de vous retrouvez sur une île paradisiaque? Essayer le Tahiti! Ses bananiers, les tropiques et les plages de sable fin... Pourquoi trop attendre..

Mais me direz vous, cela ne remplace en rien le paysage réel du pays désiré. VRAI! Mais voyez tous les avantages: en un clin d'oeil, vous pourrez bénéficiez des meilleures expériences de chacun des pays, vous laissant une trace de nostalgie au point de vous dire "l'année prochaine, sur, on part a ...". L'autre bon cote de la chose: vous et chéri n'étiez pas d'accord sur la destination, au moins chacun aura eu le droit de goûter à son plaisir et , pour les vacances à venir, pas de problèmes de qui préfère quoi, puisque vous aurez auparavant, grâce à Las Vegas, chacun pu évaluer la qualité de telle ou telle place et vous en faire une grande idée qui facilitera vos choix a venir.

En effet, les chefs d'oeuvres comme la Tour Eiffel de Paris sont reproduites au millimètre près dans les moindres détails, grandeur nature. Donc pas de mauvaises surprises. De plus,après des heures de promenade d'un "pays" a un autre, rien de mieux que de se détendre en jouant aux jeux de casino tel le <a ref="http://www.gambling-portal.com/poker-fr.html">poker</a> et ses variantes.

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Carving the Perfect Pumpkin

One of the most time honored Halloween traditions is the carving of the pumpkin to place on the front porch. Many families make it a part of their fall traditions to drive out to the local pumpkin patch, pick out the perfect pumpkins, and then come home to carve creepy or funny faces into all of them.

Creating your own pumpkin masterpiece is easy. You can come up with your own designs, or you can look online for different templates if you want something truly different and spooky. However, even the perfect design will flop if you don't follow good pumpkin carving techniques. Here are some tips to help you create a work of art.

Find the right pumpkin

Of course, the perfect jack-o-lantern starts with the perfect pumpkin. Find one that is large enough and the proper shape to hold your design ideas. You will also want to examine the pumpkin for any bruising or defects that could cause it to deteriorate faster once you have taken it home.

Make sure the pumpkin is cleaned out

The start of any great jack-o-lantern begins with scooping out all of the seeds and mess that is inside. You should also take it a step further, however. Once the seeds have been removed, continue to scrape the inside until you have about a quarter of an inch of rind left. A thinner pumpkin is easier to carve – especially if you are hoping to successfully do fine detailing in your carving. Thin walls will also help your pumpkin keep longer after it is carved. They may make it more fragile, however, so use caution when moving your creation.

Pumpkins like it cool

From the time you bring your pumpkin home from the patch until it is time to throw it out you will want to keep it in a cool, dark area. If it is still warm where you live in October, store your pumpkin inside during the daytime. Always avoid sunlight during the day. If your pumpkin gets warm, it will start to rot quickly. Placing your pumpkin on the porch only in the evenings and taking it inside during the day time can help it to last longer.

Remember to moisturize

Not you – the pumpkin! Rubbing petroleum jelly on the cut surfaces of the pumpkin will help keep your pumpkin from drying out as quickly, which will cause it to lose its shape. Only do the cut edges, not the inside, especially if you plan on using a candle as it is a fire hazard.

Allow your pumpkin to breathe

When carving your pumpkin, place a small notch or hole in the lid. That way, when you place the candle inside, the smoke and heat have a way to escape. Otherwise, the pumpkin may start to cook, which will cause your jack-o-lantern to deteriorate more quickly.

Once you have found the perfect pumpkin to create your jack-o-lantern masterpiece, following these simple steps will help keep your creation looking spooky for several days' worth of Halloween fun.

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Car Donation Helping You Help Those in Need

Car donation offers many people a solution to a two pronged dilemma, providing both a unique opportunity to give to charity while sparing the time and expense of getting rid of a vehicle that may no longer be of use to a family. For many, the amount of money earned from selling an old car is not worth the investment of time and effort involved in placing and ads and showing the vehicle to prospective buyers, but car donation allows you to side-step these problems, while ensuring that a worthy cause benefits.

Car donation really couldn’t be easier, and there are a variety of car donation charities to choose from. The disposal service they offer to you is complete, with most organisations arranging for the collection of the vehicle from your home. Employing various professional towing services that contact you directly to make arrangements that are suitable to you, you can be sure of a reliable service. So if car donation sounds right for you, what do you need to know?

There are several car donation services around the country, but some are limited to collection in certain states. A quick internet search will help you find one that collects from your area. Once you have found an organization that makes pick-ups in your locality, you will need to find out whether your car is suitable for donation. These organizations accept a wide variety of vehicles, even ones that no longer run, but not collect those that will incur costs than the money they will make. Most car donation services will ask you to complete a brief questionnaire to help them ascertain the suitability of your vehicle for donation. Car donation organizations usually ask that you also give them the title to the vehicle, but often arrangements can be made if this has been misplaced.

Car donation is a simple way for you to give to charity and donation is also not without its benefits to you. Car donations made to charities registered with the IRS as non-profit charitable organizations are tax deductible – see IRS Publication 4303 for full details.

Car donation is the ideal way to get rid of that vehicle you no longer need, while bringing great benefits to those in need. Selling that old car might earn you a few dollars to add to your wallet, but car donation will help those same few dollars make a real difference.

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice

"I believe that when man evolves a civilization higher than the mechanized but still primitive one he has now, the eating of human flesh will be sanctioned. For then man will have thrown off all of his superstitions and irrational taboos."

(Diego Rivera)

"One calls 'barbarism' whatever he is not accustomed to."

(Montaigne, On Cannibalism)

"Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed."

(New Testament, John 6:53-55)

Cannibalism (more precisely, anthropophagy) is an age-old tradition that, judging by a constant stream of flabbergasted news reports, is far from extinct. Much-debated indications exist that our Neanderthal, Proto-Neolithic, and Neolithic (Stone Age) predecessors were cannibals. Similarly contested claims were made with regards to the 12th century advanced Anasazi culture in the southwestern United States and the Minoans in Crete (today's Greece).

The Britannica Encyclopedia (2005 edition) recounts how the "Binderwurs of central India ate their sick and aged in the belief that the act was pleasing to their goddess, Kali." Cannibalism may also have been common among followers of the Shaktism cults in India.

Other sources attribute cannibalism to the 16th century Imbangala in today's Angola and Congo, the Fang in Cameroon, the Mangbetu in Central Africa, the Ache in Paraguay, the Tonkawa in today's Texas, the Calusa in current day Florida, the Caddo and Iroquois confederacies of Indians in North America, the Cree in Canada, the Witoto, natives of Colombia and Peru, the Carib in the Lesser Antilles (whose distorted name - Canib - gave rise to the word "cannibalism"), to Maori tribes in today's New Zealand, and to various peoples in Sumatra (like the Batak).

The Wikipedia numbers among the practitioners of cannibalism the ancient Chinese, the Korowai tribe of southeastern Papua, the Fore tribe in New Guinea (and many other tribes in Melanesia), the Aztecs, the people of Yucatan, the Purchas from Popayan, Colombia, the denizens of the Marquesas Islands of Polynesia, and the natives of the captaincy of Sergipe in Brazil.

From Congo and Central Africa to Germany and from Mexico to New Zealand, cannibalism is enjoying a morbid revival of interest, if not of practice. A veritable torrent of sensational tomes and movies adds to our ambivalent fascination with man-eaters.

Cannibalism is not a monolithic affair. It can be divided thus:

I. Non-consensual consumption of human flesh post-mortem

For example, when the corpses of prisoners of war are devoured by their captors. This used to be a common exercise among island tribes (e.g., in Fiji, the Andaman and Cook islands) and is still the case in godforsaken battle zones such as Congo (formerly Zaire), or among the defeated Japanese soldiers in World War II.

Similarly, human organs and fetuses as well as mummies are still being gobbled up - mainly in Africa and Asia - for remedial and medicinal purposes and in order to enhance one's libido and vigor.

On numerous occasions the organs of dead companions, colleagues, family, or neighbors were reluctantly ingested by isolated survivors of horrid accidents (the Uruguay rugby team whose plane crashed in the Andes, the boat people fleeing Asia), denizens of besieged cities (e.g., during the siege of Leningrad), members of exploratory expeditions gone astray (the Donner Party in Sierra Nevada, California and John Franklin's Polar expedition), famine-stricken populations (Ukraine in the 1930s, China in the 1960s), and the like.

Finally, in various pre-nation-state and tribal societies, members of the family were encouraged to eat specific parts of their dead relatives as a sign of respect or in order to partake of the deceased's wisdom, courage, or other positive traits (endocannibalism).

II. Non-consensual consumption of human flesh from a live source

For example, when prisoners of war are butchered for the express purpose of being eaten by their victorious enemies.

A notorious and rare representative of this category of cannibalism is the punitive ritual of being eaten alive. The kings of the tribes of the Cook Islands were thought to embody the gods. They punished dissent by dissecting their screaming and conscious adversaries and consuming their flesh piecemeal, eyeballs first.

The Sawney Bean family in Scotland, during the reign of King James I, survived for decades on the remains (and personal belongings) of victims of their murderous sprees.

Real-life serial killers, like Jeffrey Dahmer, Albert Fish, Sascha Spesiwtsew, Fritz Haarmann, Issei Sagawa, and Ed Gein, lured, abducted, and massacred countless people and then consumed their flesh and preserved the inedible parts as trophies. These lurid deeds inspired a slew of books and films, most notably The Silence of the Lambs with Hannibal (Lecter) the Cannibal as its protagonist.

III. Consensual consumption of human flesh from live and dead human bodies

Armin Meiwes, the "Master Butcher (Der Metzgermeister)", arranged over the Internet to meet Bernd Jurgen Brandes on March 2001. Meiwes amputated the penis of his guest and they both ate it. He then proceeded to kill Brandes (with the latter's consent recorded on video), and snack on what remained of him. Sexual cannibalism is a paraphilia and an extreme - and thankfully, rare - form of fetishism.

The Aztecs willingly volunteered to serve as human sacrifices (and to be tucked into afterwards). They firmly believed that they were offerings, chosen by the gods themselves, thus being rendered immortal.

Dutiful sons and daughters in China made their amputated organs and sliced tissues (mainly the liver) available to their sick parents (practices known as Ko Ku and Ko Kan). Such donation were considered remedial. Princess Miao Chuang who surrendered her severed hands to her ailing father was henceforth deified.

Non-consensual cannibalism is murder, pure and simple. The attendant act of cannibalism, though aesthetically and ethically reprehensible, cannot aggravate this supreme assault on all that we hold sacred.

But consensual cannibalism is a lot trickier. Modern medicine, for instance, has blurred the already thin line between right and wrong.

What is the ethical difference between consensual, post-mortem, organ harvesting and consensual, post-mortem cannibalism?

Why is stem cell harvesting (from aborted fetuses) morally superior to consensual post-mortem cannibalism?

When members of a plane-wrecked rugby team, stranded on an inaccessible, snow-piled, mountain range resort to eating each other in order to survive, we turn a blind eye to their repeated acts of cannibalism - but we condemn the very same deed in the harshest terms if it takes place between two consenting, and even eager adults in Germany. Surely, we don't treat murder, pedophilia, and incest the same way!

As the Auxiliary Bishop of Montevideo said after the crash:

"... Eating someone who has died in order to survive is incorporating their substance, and it is quite possible to compare this with a graft. Flesh survives when assimilated by someone in extreme need, just as it does when an eye or heart of a dead man is grafted onto a living man..."

(Read, P.P. 1974. Alive. Avon, New York)

Complex ethical issues are involved in the apparently straightforward practice of consensual cannibalism.

Consensual, in vivo, cannibalism (a-la Messrs. Meiwes and Brandes) resembles suicide. The cannibal is merely the instrument of voluntary self-destruction. Why would we treat it different to the way we treat any other form of suicide pact?

Consensual cannibalism is not the equivalent of drug abuse because it has no social costs. Unlike junkies, the cannibal and his meal are unlikely to harm others. What gives society the right to intervene, therefore?

If we own our bodies and, thus, have the right to smoke, drink, have an abortion, commit suicide, and will our organs to science after we die - why don't we possess the inalienable right to will our delectable tissues to a discerning cannibal post-mortem (or to victims of famine in Africa)?

When does our right to dispose of our organs in any way we see fit crystallize? Is it when we die? Or after we are dead? If so, what is the meaning and legal validity of a living will? And why can't we make a living will and bequeath our cadaverous selves to the nearest cannibal?

Do dead people have rights and can they claim and invoke them while they are still alive? Is the live person the same as his dead body, does he "own" it, does the state have any rights in it? Does the corpse still retain its previous occupant's "personhood"? Are cadavers still human, in any sense of the word?

We find all three culinary variants abhorrent. Yet, this instinctive repulsion is a curious matter. The onerous demands of survival should have encouraged cannibalism rather than make it a taboo. Human flesh is protein-rich. Most societies, past and present (with the exception of the industrialized West), need to make efficient use of rare protein-intensive resources.

If cannibalism enhances the chances of survival - why is it universally prohibited? For many a reason.

I. The Sanctity of Life

Historically, cannibalism preceded, followed, or precipitated an act of murder or extreme deprivation (such as torture). It habitually clashed with the principle of the sanctity of life. Once allowed, even under the strictest guidelines, cannibalism tended to debase and devalue human life and foster homicide, propelling its practitioners down a slippery ethical slope towards bloodlust and orgiastic massacres.

II. The Afterlife

Moreover, in life, the human body and form are considered by most religions (and philosophers) to be the abode of the soul, the divine spark that animates us all. The post-mortem integrity of this shrine is widely thought to guarantee a faster, unhindered access to the afterlife, to immortality, and eventual reincarnation (or karmic cycle in eastern religions).

For this reason, to this very day, orthodox Jews refuse to subject their relatives to a post-mortem autopsy and organ harvesting. Fijians and Cook Islanders used to consume their enemies' carcasses in order to prevent their souls from joining hostile ancestors in heaven.

III. Chastening Reminders

Cannibalism is a chilling reminder of our humble origins in the animal kingdom. To the cannibal, we are no better and no more than cattle or sheep. Cannibalism confronts us with the irreversibility of our death and its finality. Surely, we cannot survive our demise with our cadaver mutilated and gutted and our skeletal bones scattered, gnawed, and chewed on?

IV. Medical Reasons

Infrequently, cannibalism results in prion diseases of the nervous system, such as kuru. The same paternalism that gave rise to the banning of drug abuse, the outlawing of suicide, and the Prohibition of alcoholic drinks in the 1920s - seeks to shelter us from the pernicious medical outcomes of cannibalism and to protect others who might become our victims.

V. The Fear of Being Objectified

Being treated as an object (being objectified) is the most torturous form of abuse. People go to great lengths to seek empathy and to be perceived by others as three dimensional entities with emotions, needs, priorities, wishes, and preferences.

The cannibal reduces others by treating them as so much meat. Many cannibal serial killers transformed the organs of their victims into trophies. The Cook Islanders sought to humiliate their enemies by eating, digesting, and then defecating them - having absorbed their mana (prowess, life force) in the process.

VI. The Argument from Nature

Cannibalism is often castigated as "unnatural". Animals, goes the myth, don't prey on their own kind.

Alas, like so many other romantic lores, this is untrue. Most species - including our closest relatives, the chimpanzees - do cannibalize. Cannibalism in nature is widespread and serves diverse purposes such as population control (chickens, salamanders, toads), food and protein security in conditions of scarcity (hippopotamuses, scorpions, certain types of dinosaurs), threat avoidance (rabbits, mice, rats, and hamsters), and the propagation of genetic material through exclusive mating (Red-back spider and many mantids).

Moreover, humans are a part of nature. Our deeds and misdeeds are natural by definition. Seeking to tame nature is a natural act. Seeking to establish hierarchies and subdue or relinquish our enemies are natural propensities. By avoiding cannibalism we seek to transcend nature. Refraining from cannibalism is the unnatural act.

VIII. The Argument from Progress

It is a circular syllogism involving a tautology and goes like this:

Cannibalism is barbaric. Cannibals are, therefore, barbarians. Progress entails the abolition of this practice.

The premises - both explicit and implicit - are axiomatic and, therefore, shaky. What makes cannibalism barbarian? And why is progress a desirable outcome? There is a prescriptive fallacy involved, as well:

Because we do not eat the bodies of dead people - we ought not to eat them.

VIII. Arguments from Religious Ethics

The major monotheistic religions are curiously mute when it comes to cannibalism. Human sacrifice is denounced numerous times in the Old Testament - but man-eating goes virtually unmentioned. The Eucharist in Christianity - when the believers consume the actual body and blood of Jesus - is an act of undisguised cannibalism:

"That the consequence of Transubstantiation, as a conversion of the total substance, is the transition of the entire substance of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, is the express doctrine of the Church ...."

(Catholic Encyclopedia)

"CANON lI.-If any one saith, that, in the sacred and holy sacrament of the Eucharist, the substance of the bread and wine remains conjointly with the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and denieth that wonderful and singular conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the Body, and of the whole substance of the wine into the Blood-the species Only of the bread and wine remaining-which conversion indeed the Catholic Church most aptly calls Transubstantiation; let him be anathema.

CANON VIII.-lf any one saith, that Christ, given in the Eucharist, is eaten spiritually only, and not also sacramentally and really; let him be anathema."

(The Council of Trent, The Thirteenth Session - The canons and decrees of the sacred and oecumenical Council of Trent, Ed. and trans. J. Waterworth (London: Dolman, 1848), 75-91.)

Still, most systems of morality and ethics impute to Man a privileged position in the scheme of things (having been created in the "image of God"). Men and women are supposed to transcend their animal roots and inhibit their baser instincts (an idea incorporated into Freud's tripartite model of the human psyche). The anthropocentric chauvinistic view is that it is permissible to kill all other animals in order to consume their flesh. Man, in this respect, is sui generis.

Yet, it is impossible to rigorously derive a prohibition to eat human flesh from any known moral system. As Richard Routley-Silvan observes in his essay "In Defence of Cannibalism", that something is innately repugnant does not make it morally prohibited. Moreover, that we find cannibalism nauseating is probably the outcome of upbringing and conditioning rather than anything innate.

According to Greek mythology, Man was created from the ashes of the Titans, the children of Uranus and Gaea, whom Zeus struck with thunderbolts for murdering his son, Zagreus, and then devouring his body. Mankind, therefore, is directly descendant from the Titans, who may well have been the first cannibals.

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Candy Alternatives for Trick Or Treaters

While Halloween has long been synonymous with costumes and candy, some parents are looking for alternative treats. With a rise in childhood obesity and overall poor eating habits, many parents are concerned about the amount of sugar getting consumed on Halloween night and after. Plus, with fears of poisoning, razor blades, and other hazards from less than savory characters, it is no wonder that for some, candy is taking a back seat.

No matter the reasons behind your choice, you can still choose treats for your trick or treaters that are fun if not sweet. Here are some ideas of things that you can give out instead.

Pencils, pens, and erasers

Since many of the trick or treaters that you will see will be of the school-age variety, these can be a fun gift. You can often find these in fun Halloween themes at your local store. Look for fun designs with pumpkins, bats, and other Halloween themes. Shaped erasers can also be fun. You will just want to be careful that none would be considered a possible choking hazard for the tinier trick or treaters that will knock on your door.

Stickers and tattoos

Nearly every kid loves stickers, and you can often find these inexpensively in bulk. You can look for Halloween themed ones if you would like, or simply of characters and items that are popular at the moment. For instance, Dora and Elmo are popular with the preschool set, while older kids may enjoy princesses, butterflies, superheroes, and cartoon characters. You can also find temporary tattoos with similar themes to hand out as well.

Game tokens and coupons

If there is a popular hang out in your neighborhood that has games kids can play using tokens, handing out a couple of tokens to each child can be a fun Halloween surprise. Also, some retailers will sell coupon books for a free item to hand out on Halloween – such as a free ice cream cone. This allows parents to save the treat for a time that is not so sugar-laden.

Party favors

Your local party supply store will often have a large stock of Halloween party favors available in October. Things like plastic spider rings, glow sticks, rubber bats, and fake teeth can all be fun alternatives to hand out in the place of candy.

Clearance sales and dollar stores

Often, you can find a selection of small toys for very little money by browsing the clearance section of your favorite store and/or local dollar stores. Look for things like small toys, crayons, books, and other kid-friendly items. If you plan ahead and shop throughout the year, you can certainly develop a varied cache before Halloween. Kids will be so impressed with the cool items that you have they won't even miss the few extra pieces of candy!

Single serving packages

If you still want to do an edible item, many grocery stores sell snacks in single serving packages. For instance, many companies are joining in on the 100 calorie pack trend, so you can find a variety of snacks that are still somewhat healthy. Fruit snacks, juice boxes, or even mini bags of pretzels can be a good option. It is usually advisable to stay away from things that include nuts because of allergies some of your trick or treaters might have.

With a little creativity, you can come up with fun Halloween treats that don't involve sweets that your trick or treaters will love just the same.

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Canadian Immigration Documents

Your Personal and Financial Documents are very important when you submit your application for the Canadian Permanent Residence visa.I recommend sending with your application NOTARIZED copies of all the documents that I will describe the following weeks of the program, except for the following (which should be ORIGINAL):

- Immigration Forms Academic Transcripts - Police Certificates - Bank Statements - Letters of reference - Language test(s) results - Photos Some of the Personal and Financial Documents you must gather ASAP are:

a) Identity and Civil Status Documents

- Birth certificate - Marriage - Final Divorce - Annulment or Separation - Death certificate for former spouse should - if applicable - Citizenship certificate or permanent resident visa (copy) for any family members who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada b) Children's Information

- Children's birth certificate (showing the name of their parents) - Adoption papers (if applicable) - Proof of custody (children under 18 years of age) and proof that the children may be removed from the jurisdiction of the court - Proof that the principal applicant has fulfilled any obligation stated in custody agreements (only if the children will not be accompanying the applicant to Canada) - Proof of full-time studies (only dependent children 22 years of age or more). You should include: i. School transcripts (since 22 years of age) ii. Letters from each school indicating numbers of days attended per week and number of hours per day

- Proof of financial support by parents (since 22 years of age)

c) Travel Documents and Passports - Passports / travel documents for:

- Principal applicant - Spouse or common-law partner - Dependent children (Only pages showing passport number, date of issue, expiry date, photo, name, date and place of birth)

- Copy of visa of the country where you currently live (only if you live in a country different from your country of nationality)

In my next article, I will explain more about your Personal and Financial Documents. However, if you want to start gathering your supporting documents TODAY, I recommend downloading Step-by-Step Immigration to Canada, which covers the entire Canadian immigration process.

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Canadian Immigration and Real Estate

Living Quarters:  Canadian Options

As with most countries, Canada offers a wide variety of options when it comes to choosing a place to call “home.”  The choice you make will depend on several factors, including your budget, your space needs, and your desired location.

Below are some of the options you may want to consider:

- Room for rent – Some individuals who own a house or an apartment may rent out separate rooms in those dwellings.  All of the tenants share the bathroom(s) and the kitchen.

- Studio apartment – These apartments are small and were primarily designed for just one person.  Most consist of a single large room – that contains the kitchen and bedroom – and a separate bathroom.

- Apartments – Larger apartments are also available.  These can range in size from one to three bedrooms.  They also have separate living rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms.

- Duplex – A duplex is a single home that has been divided into two separate living areas.  Each area is completely separate from the other, but residents may share a yard or driveway.

- Townhouses – Townhouses are small houses which are built in rows, so that they form a chain.  Most of the homes in the chain are similar in appearance.

- Houses – Homes of all shapes and sizes are available throughout Canada.  You can also choose to have a home built specifically to your specifications on an available lot.

- Condominiums – Condos are essentially apartments or townhouses that are owned, not rented.  Owners are responsible for all of the internal upkeep on the property and must pay property taxes.  They also pay a condo association fee which covers the costs of outdoor maintenance, such as lawn mowing.

Besides these options, there are also two other important choices you need to make:  furnished or unfurnished and rent or buy.

Furnished or Unfurnished

In Canada, you can find homes and apartments that are furnished.  This means that all of the necessary furnishings are included in the living area, such as beds and chairs.   Furnished apartments and homes may be a good option when you are first moving to Canada, especially if you are immigrating from a distance.  The cost of transporting your own couches and beds could be quite expensive.

Most people, however, choose to live in an unfurnished dwelling so that they can decorate in a manner they see fit.  Some unfurnished homes and apartments will still come with kitchen appliances, such as refrigerators and stoves.

Rent or Buy

This is an important decision because it will also influence which types of property from the list above you focus on during your search for a place to live.  Most new permanent residents choose to rent an apartment or home initially, so they can get a feel for the area, find a steady job, and do some leisurely research on the real estate available in their price range.  However, there are also many newcomers to Canada who jump right in and purchase a home.

If you do choose to buy a home, townhouse, duplex, or condominium, then be aware that you will need to have money for a down payment.  Most banks and mortgage providers will require a down payment of at least 10% of the total cost of the house.  That means if you want to buy a $100,000 home, you'll need a $10,000 down payment.

If you opt to rent an apartment, a room, a home, or a duplex, then you will also need to be prepared to pay some money upfront.  Most landlords in Canada expect you to pay first and last month's rent after you sign the lease.  Many landlords will also require you to provide a reference's contact information.  The reference MUST be someone living in Canada.  Your employer, for example, may be a good reference.

Regardless of whether your rent or buy, you can expect to pay between $350 and $2000 a month depending on the living quarters you select.  As a general rule, you shouldn't spend more than 50% of your income on housing costs, including your utility bills and mortgage/rent payments.  That means you'll want to establish a budget before you start house/apartment hunting in Canada.

Also, keep in mind that housing costs vary considerably, even within the same province.  You can save money on your housing if you do some research and focus on areas outside of major cities.

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Can You Really Improve Your Chances Of Winning The Lottery?

The Lottery is a game of chance, with the odds stacked against you horrendously. In the UK National Lottery for example the chances of winning the jackpot by picking all 6 numbers from 49 is around 14 million to one. So how do you make these odds of a lottery win lower?

If you do a search online there are tons of places offering you their own take on improving your chances of a lottery win, these range from the unrealistic to the believable, but most will cost you quite a few lottery tickets to find out if they will work. You will see software programs which keep databases of all the lottery picking machines, and ball sets used in every draw, and statistically analyse the frequency of each number appearing in a lottery draw. These will then spit out sets of numbers which have shown up more often overall.

Yet another batch of products will take your money in return for their writers own system of picking winning numbers for which they will show proof of their lottery winning results. Some will sell you their set of numbers which has proven to win regularly over many months or years. And if you want to get really left of centre you can pay to have good luck, or money winning spells cast for you by modern witchcraft practitioners, or buy charms with as yet understood powers to influence the outcome of the draws in your favour.

But are there any other ways to increase your chances of winning the lottery?

The answer is yes, and one of the most obvious and overlooked methods is by joining a syndicate, you can leverage your stake by putting it with other peoples stakes to buy more tickets between you. More tickets each week means more chances of winning but you will also share the prizes won with everyone in the syndicate. You also need to be in a syndicate with people you can trust but that's something only you can know.

Whichever way you look at it the lottery is a gamble, and the odds are stacked against you, but you can reduce those odds by working with others in a lottery syndicate.

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Can You Really Be A Mystery Shopper Who Gets Paid To Shop Or Eat

Can you REALLY be a secret shopper or mystery shopper? Will people really pay you to dine out or shop? Absolutely. I've been a secret shopper MANY times eating out and shopping on my own (and being reimbursed for it). I've done the same with my husband or a friend (yes...sometimes the meals are for two). If you're observant, keep appointments, can answer multiple choice questions and write a few detailed paragraphs about your visit, you can be a secret shopper too.

Companies hire mystery shoppers to shop and experience a service and product. Then you (the mystery shopper) complete and turn in a written evaluation per that company's instructions.

Mostly a mystery shopper acts undercover (the location doesn't know they're being shopped); but sometimes the hiring company asks you to reveal yourself at the end of the shop for various reasons such as to give an employee a reward for top customer service. Or some even ask you to use a digital camera now to take a photo of the product.

I shopped for several years as a mystery shopper and now I only do so every now and then due to my schedule. Regardless, I still receive weekly e-mails alerting me to potential mystery shopper assignments in my area from lots of companies. So once you're on a mystery shopping agent's list and you've bagged a couple of shops as a mystery shopper without making errors, you'll keep getting asked over and over again.

I've personally shopped and been reimbursed for meals (sometimes for two people) at restaurants like Ruby Tuesday, Applebees, Red Hot and Blue, Burger King, Dairy Queen, Arby's ,CiCi's Pizza and more.

I've shopped inside mall and outlet stores that sell clothing or other items and was paid flat fees. I've shopped free-standing stores such as Kmart. I've bowled at two different bowling lanes as a mystery shopper. I've bought books at book stores paid for by the mystery shopping company. I shopped a golf range and store with my husband at the mystery shopping company's expense. I've purchased gas and drinks at convenience stores as a mystery shopper.

And more...

I've had offers to do mystery shops at banks, bus stations, home sales/model showrooms, hotels, bars and other places.

When I was actively mystery shopping, I had more offers than time. So I decided to limit my mystery shopping experiences to meals for two (with my husband) for which I'd be reimbursed. $40 or $50 meals is nothing to snicker at!

And in fact I've just lined up a mystery shop for a new steakhouse in town. They're going to reimburse me $35 for dinner for two. Maybe it won't cover the entire bill (the way we eat) but try to find a coupon that pays that much for dinner out at a nice dine-in restaurant.

Likewise, as a mystery shopper you should only accept assignments that you want, preferably ones in your area that fit conveniently in with your working schedule.

A final word of advice...be patient once you apply to a mystery shopping company. I've had jobs roll in weeks later after applying. It all depends on demand and supply at that time. But often the demand rules (and I've even been paid double and triple fees for taking assignments from assigning companies who were in a last-minute bind to get the job done).

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

Can you create an Addiction in Someone? Yes!

With all the paranoia of mind control and how Neuro Linguistic Probramming (NLP) can be (and is) used to "mess with peoples heads" it's high time to pull the cat out of hte bag and let people know exactly what is possible.

For example, can you create an addiction in someone using Neuro Linguistic  Programming (NLP)?

Yes, you can.

Before you learn the steps to do it and how to protect yourself, let me give you two warnings.

First, don't do this to people unless you are giving them a compulsion for something they want that will be good for them like exercize and healthy foods. Anything else and it may seem fun to think about but leave it at that. Only think about it, don't do it. It's just not a nice thing to do to people.

Second, To do this you have to be very good at NLP, report building and anchoring etc.

Start by eliciting what is called the NLP submodalities of a compulsion a person has. You can do this by asking what are some things they have compulsions for, like chocolate, and then asking "As you feel that complusion what sort of images is your mind making? Where do you see those pictures? How big are the images? Color or Black and White? " and so on.

Then begin to describe what you want them to have a compulsion/addiction for in exactly the same way. Describe the new compulsion as being seen in the same place, etc.

I'm not going to give you any more detail than that. It's more than enough to experiment with.

Using this pattern a person can create a compulsion for drugs, sex, money, perfection, driving fast, you name it, but  you can also create compulsions for exercize, punctuality, orderlyness and many so-called "good" things.

There are ways to prevent someone from covertly creating a compulsion in you. First be aware of the mental and emotional states that people are asking you to describe and be on guard when they start to talk about compulsions.

If you suspect someone has helped covertly create an unwanted compulsion in you (good luck) the compulsion can be undone with what is called the meta yes/meta no process.

In Meta Yes/Meta No you'll start by thinking of something unrelated to the compulsion that you would say "No" to. Think of that item and bring up the very strong feeling and repeatedly say "No" in a very firm and congruent manner. Practice it until the "No!" and the feeling are deeply linked to one another. The next step is to begin saying "No!" repeatedly to the compulsion and do it with the same energy and conviction as when you started the process.

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Can you believe what people say about their wants and wishes? (Part I)

A scientific study (Horsky D., Nelson P., Posavac SS. Stating Preference for the Ethereal but Choosing the Concrete: How the Tangibility of Attributes Affects Attribute Weighting in Value Elicitation and Choice. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2004, Vol. 14, No. 1&2, Pages 132-140) compared the attractiveness of five sporty car attributes calculated using answers provided in a market research study (what people say), and the attractiveness of the same five attributes derived from the actual buying behavior of the car buyers (what people do).  The five attributes were Performance, Dependability, Comfort, Prestige, and Exterior Styling.<br>

The relative attractiveness of the performance, dependability, comfort, prestige, and exterior styling attributes calculated using the answers in the <b>market research study</b> were <b>0.13</b>, 0.22, 0.13, <b>0.16</b>, and 0.20. The relative attractiveness of the same five attributes calculated using the <b>real behavior in the marketplace</b> were <b>0.24</b>, 0.21, 0.13, <b>0.00</b>, and 0.19 (note the change in values marked with bold letters).<br>

According to the authors: “<b>a rather dramatic change in the ordering of the average weights occurs</b> ... Specifically, the tangible attribute Performance, previously one of the least important attributes on average, is now the most important to sporty sedan buyers. … In contrast, the weight of Prestige, an intangible attribute, falls dramatically and becomes the least important attribute. The remaining attributes change little.”  <br>

This “dramatic change” has dramatic implications.  “The implication of our findings is that stated preferences may not be highly predictive of actual consumer decisions because the relative importance of attributes differs in value elicitation and choice. <b>This finding is troubling</b> because of the reliance of marketing practitioners on research data pertaining to attitudes, purchase intentions, and attribute importance rankings. If predictions based on stated preferences are markedly different from reality, marketers’ decisions (e.g., product positioning, advertising emphasis) made based on the stated preference data may be suboptimal.” In other words, “forecasts of choice based on stated attribute importances would have been <b>erroneous<b/>.”<br>

</b></b>So, can you believe what people say about their wants and wishes?  Yes, if you have the formula that converts what people say into what people do.  If, you are not using this formula, be prepared to face some unpleasant surprises when implementing the raw customers’ suggestions.<br>

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Can I File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Many people struggle with the decision to file bankruptcy. Usually this is because they have misconceptions about bankruptcy in general. Basically, bankruptcy is a legal way to level the playing field between an individual debtor and creditors. It is a legal proceeding that provides the debtor with a fresh start.

The two types of bankruptcy that are most commonly available for an individual are: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.

Chapter 7, or straight bankruptcy, is what most people typically think of as bankruptcy. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a debtor’s non-exempt assets are liquidated or sold and the proceeds are used to pay toward unsecured debts (credit cards, loans, medical bills, etc.). In the overwhelming majority of cases, however, people do not lose any property which means unsecured creditors get nothing. At the end of the bankruptcy, roughly 3-4 months after filing, the debts are discharged and the creditor can never collect on the debt.

Chapter 13 is a debt reorganization or consolidation bankruptcy. If a person has a regular monthly income, their debts (mortgage arrears, car payments, credit cards, medical bills, loans, student loans, etc.) are rolled into one low monthly payment. Because the debtor is paying back his creditors through this repayment plan, the debtor does not risk losing any assets as he might under Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Furthermore, while in the repayment plan, typically 3-5 years, creditors are stopped from contacting the debtor without first going through the debtor’s attorney and the court.

Millions of people declared bankruptcy last year alone to get the fresh start they needed. Contrary to what many believe, bankruptcy does not permanently damage your credit, and you will still be able to have credit. The new bankruptcy laws that went into effect in 2005 changed bankruptcy very little.

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Can America Survive A Nationwide Terrorist Attack?

What would happen if loyalists of Saddam Hussein bombed 12 major U.S. cities one week before the presidential election, thrusting the nation and the election into chaos?

Sound familiar? A similar scenario recently took place in Spain and could happen to other European and Asian countries that assisted America in the controversial war in Iraq and who have Americans living in or visiting them.

Many people, including political pundits, believe that more large-scale terrorism will come to American soil and the American people. The broadcast threat by Al-Zawahiri, leader of Al-Queda, that bomb after bomb will soon fall on America has the majority of U.S. citizens frantic with worry. Indeed, terrorism has become one of the world's greatest fears and concerns.

"New splinter terrorist groups are organizing everyday who want to kill Americans around the world, making our safety questionable for generations to come," said Bruce Schwartz, author of "The Twenty-First Century" (Park Avenue Press, ISBN # 0-9729076-0-2).

His new novel tells the story of America in the early years of the 21st century but was written in the 1990s, before the events of Sept. 11, 2001. Schwartz's book warns America about the potential for a nationwide terrorist attack.

His story details the destruction of 12 U.S. cities by Iraqi terrorists just days before a presidential election and results in America's second civil war. But Schwartz's version of civil war is not between regions; it is between classes and races.

"In the 1990s, hundreds of black churches were burned to the ground. Prejudice is rampant, even today, in America," Schwartz said.

The book's release during this presidential election year will provoke many controversial discussions on where our nation is headed when it comes to foreign policy, race relations, terrorism and politics. Schwartz portrays the near future as if it were the headlines of today's news.

Planned Television Arts, Schwartz's publicists, believe that right now is the perfect time to release this novel because his story could potentially become reality right before our eyes.

This chillingly prophetic novel has received rave reviews because it suggests what America must do to improve our society.

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

Business And Life Success Secrets Of A Remarkable Woman

I have wanted to write this article for some time. It is about what some have called a remarkable woman. As a matter of fact, she was recently featured in a book by the same name, “Remarkable Woman” by Insight Publishing.

The businesswoman’s name is Dr. Devona Williams. She is the Founder and President/ Chief Executive Officer of a 16-year-old Performance Consulting Company Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc. Dr. Williams is an accomplished inspirational speaker, trainer and consultant with nearly 30 years experience in the fields of public policy, planning and public relations with the corporate, government and non-profit sectors.

Highlights of her public career include her appointment as a Presidential Management Intern in the Reagan Administration and Legislative Fellow in the Delaware House of Representatives. With an eye to business as a young child, she found her way clear to start her own very successful full time consulting and training business in 1993, Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc.

Besides being a successful businesswoman, she is a wife, mother and recently became a grandmother. Incredibly accomplished, she has a story of overcoming tremendous obstacles and challenges in both her personal and business life. Her story of overcoming those challenges can provide business and life skills for us all.

I met her over 30 years ago when she was just a smart, pretty young teenager attending a prestigious high school in Philadelphia. I was attending Central High School of Philadelphia and she, Philadelphia High Schools for Girls.

More than 30 years after that fateful meeting, after not having seen or talk with her for almost 30 years, I read Dr. William’s remarkable story of how she was raised, the incredible challenges she has faced in her equally remarkable life, learned of her business success, and was inspired by her ability to persevere, overcome and experience genuine success.

The Remarkable Women book talks about her professional accomplishments, but also the obstacles and personal challenges she has endured, including sexual assault as a young college freshman, breaking the glass ceiling at a Fortune 500 company, starting her Consulting business in a State that historically was challenged when it came to women owned businesses, a devastating injury, and an unfaithful husband and a resulting divorce.

While reading her story, I could not help thinking that the obstacles and challenges Dr. Devona faced could have ended most careers and certainly a business.

In Chapter 22 of the book where Dr. Williams’ story is featured, she tells for the first time publicly, in detail, of these obstacles and challenges that she overcame, spawning for her a unique strength, philosophy and approach to life that forged the foundation for her successful 30-year career. Her unique philosophy, strength and faith have allowed her to preserver, grow and prosper even during these challenging circumstances.

The book discusses the key beliefs and principles that allowed her to continue and experience success while going through these challenges. To put it mildly, Dr. Williams’ story is both startling and inspirational.

In the book she shares some of her core beliefs that she has applied in her life and her business. Here are a few:

· Success is planned. It is not an accident.
· You must have multiple plans. Success people plan and have multiple plans.
· You can do the right thing, prepare yourself and then sometimes things just don’t go as plan. That’s ok. All things work together for good if you believe.
· You must have an overall vision for your own personal success. What will it look like when you get there?
· You must have multiple approaches to your goals and dreams, most of them written down or at least in a framework. The yellow brick road was not the only way to Oz!
· When unexpected things happen, contemplate the impact, readjust if necessary then quickly continue to move forward.

Dr. Williams continues in her book, “ Obstacles that come along should be viewed as temporary challenges or setbacks. Find a way to get around them. Learn from them. Use painful or a key learning’s to continue to fulfill your purpose. Your vision of success. Whatever that looks like for you.”

She describes the circumstances of a violent assault at the innocent age of 18. Dr. Devona says,“ The cab driver violently attacked me, and during our struggle he yelled racial and sexual obscenities, letting me know that he intended to rape me. He punched me in my eye and nearly knocked me unconscious. At this point, I called out to God to intervene. He helped me to escape. I felt like it was the end of my life. ”

She describes how that for her, was an end of a period of innocence, and at that early age in 1973, there was not a lot of opportunity for her to get the help she needed after such an incident. She was ashamed to tell her parents. Embarrassed as if she was responsible for the attack. Never got therapy. Never told anyone until recently. But through sheer will power and the need to complete her education, pay for it, and just plain survive the humiliation of the event…she just kept going.

As a business owner particularly as a start up home-based business, you are going to have many challenges. Some will seem like they just simply cannot be overcome. You will frequently take two steps forward and one step back prior to your business becoming what you and I would call “successful.” There will be times when your expense far out weigh your revenues. You will want to quit, give up, go and get a real job!

During those periods, take some advice from Dr. Williams. She says,” Obstacles that come along the way should be viewed as challenges that are temporary, that can be overcome.”

Dr. Devona believes everyone can be remarkable in both his or her business and personal life as well. It is possible to have it all…if you just refuse to give in.

She says, “ If you continue and never quit, then you too can be a Remarkable Success in your company, home, business and most importantly, in your life.”

Get the book and read her complete story. Have a handkerchief in your hand and then become that remarkable person that is you.

Warm regards,
Kenny Anderson

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Bush Campaign Stays In Touch While On the Move

When President George W. Bush's re-election campaign hits the road for a bus tour of the American heartland, neither the president, the members of the campaign nor the news media traveling along can afford to be out of touch with breaking news, world events or the activities of the competition.

So, their custom motor coaches are equipped with TracVision L3 satellite TV antennas from KVH Industries Inc. The award-winning TracVision systems offer complete in-motion access to satellite TV programming, including 24-hour news networks like CNN, Fox News and MSNBC.

These systems ensure that everyone traveling with the president can get all of the latest news and maybe a bit of entertainment as the vehicles make campaign swings.

"The speed of political campaigns is increasing with breaking news followed by immediate responses from the competition," said Jim Dodez, KVH's vice president of marketing. "When a campaign or the media is on the road, they need to have access to all of that news from all of the same sources that they depend on in their offices."

With TracVision, every television on a motor coach can show a different satellite TV channel while KVH's TracNet Mobile High-speed Internet System offers two-way access to the Internet with broadband downloads, even as the vehicles are crisscrossing the country.

The KVH TracVision L3 delivers satellite television and audio from DirecTV, the Dish Network or other high-powered satellite systems worldwide while the vehicle is both in motion and parked.

The president's press pool is not alone in making use of KVH's TracVision antennas. ABC News has also mobilized three campaign buses - known as "Red," "White" and "Blue" and leased from Nashville, Tenn.-based Hemphill Brothers - to cover the 2004 presidential election.

The buses serve as mobile television and radio studios. Each of three buses is equipped with KVH TracVision satellite TV systems, which allow the producers and reporters traveling aboard to watch ABC's own news shows, as well as other programming, virtually anywhere as they travel throughout the United States.

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Buses en México: Solo para Mujeres

Debido a los repetidos acosos e irrespetos por parte de los hombres mexicanos hacia las mujeres, se ha tomado una medida radical la cual consiste en crear un sistema de trasporte público "solo para mujeres".

El solo hecho de subirse al autobús en las horas de la mañana, para las mujeres mexicanas se ha convertido en una pesadilla. Estas afirman ser tocadas y acosadas sexualmente por los hombres. Diariamente se reciben cientos de denuncias de esta clase y para la seguridad de las mujeres, se decidió crear trasporte público solo para mujeres en el cual viajan más seguras y pagan el mismo precio que en bus particular.

Este medio de transporte fue propuesto por las autoridades del trasporte publico en un programa llamado Programa Atenea, el cual funciona en las horas pico del día, de 7:00 a 10:00 .a.m. y de 5:00 a 10:00 p.m. este servicio empezó a funcionar a partir del 21 de enero de 2008, lo cual ha puesto a las mujeres muy alegres por poder ir sentadas en el bus y además seguras y libres de acosos. Esto ha despertado envidia en los hombres debido a que ellos tienen que esperar el autobús de servicio mixto ya que el letrero del nuevo autobús dice: Solo para mujeres.

Por un lado se ven las ventajas de esta medida ya que las mujeres se sienten muy seguras de viajar en este trasporte ya que no reciben el mal trato por parte de los hombres y además pueden viajar cómodamente en estos buses pero por otro lado esta medida tiene la desventaja que los hombres van a continuar siendo unos maleducados ya que si no aprendieron a las buenas ya no van a aprender a las malas. Es mucho mas fácil ganar en un  Casinos online  a que ellos entiendan que hay que respetar.

Lo que despierta un poco de polémica es el ver como se comportaran los hombres con aquellas mujeres que aun utilizan el trasporte mixto ya que han de estar celosos porque ahora ellas tienen un servicio privado y ellos no. Todos estamos a la expectativa que los hombres entiendan que hay que convivir el uno con el otro respetando así nuestros derechos pero los intentos de que las cosas funcionen por las buenas no dio ningún resultado positivo, ahora solo nos resta esperar a ver los resultados de la nueva medida de trasporte y esperar a que los hombres se concienticen y empiecen a valorar a las mujeres.

Muchas de las mujeres que utilizan este trasporte afirman que ya han pasado por situaciones incomodas, en las cuales han reaccionado violentamente en contra de  los hombres ya sea pegándoles y hasta utilizando cualquier objeto de sus carteras. Afirman también que prefieren salir de sus casas mas temprano para esperar el bus pero ir tranquilas y seguras.

Este nuevo servicio exclusivo para mujeres pasa en un promedio de 20 minutos en las horas establecidas lo cual hace que las mujeres lo utilicen más y viajen mas tranquilas.

Por supuesto, la mayoría de hombres se quejan porque llegan mas tarde a su trabajo ya que tienen que esperar el bus mixto. Por supuesto no se juzga a todos los hombres de realizar esta clase de acosos e irrespetos pero como dice el popular dicho "Por uno pagan todos" y la decisión ya esta tomada.

En verdad se espera que esta clase de actos en contra del publico femenino disminuya aunque no es seguro que los hombres aprendan a respetar a las mujeres de esta manera, para que esta medida sea mas efectiva se debería realizar talleres en el los cuales los hombres asistan y se eduquen sexualmente ya que el problema no se soluciona del todo aislando a las mujeres de los hombres sino permitiéndole a los hombres caer en cuenta que lo que hacen no es correcto y que aprendan a respetar a las mujeres.

En otros medios de transporte como el Metro, se tiene designado servicio exclusivo para la protección de mujeres y niños pero solo en las horas pico, el cual permite que aquellas mujeres y niños que tomen el metro dentro de estas horas se sientan protegidos durante el viaje.

Aun no se han sumado los taxis a este proyecto pero se espera que en un futuro próximo haya también servicio de taxis solo para mujeres y manejado por mujeres.

Esperamos que con estas medidas se logre reducir la agresión en contra de las mujeres y que los hombres entiendan que no se puede convivir cuando esta clase de actos se repiten a diario. Mucha suerte en este proyecto y ojala las cosas mejoren pronto.

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

Bulu Perindu - The Enchanted Grass

Nature produces the most intriguing life-forms. We are normally aware of the animal, insect, and plant kingdoms--these we come across and interact with in our every day life and are perceptible to the senses; other creatures are too microscopically small for us to perceive with our naked eyes, these are the bacteria, germs, etc. Other life-forms not too commonly found are the transitions between the plant and animal kingdoms: "plant-like" animals and "animal-like" plants. Zoologically, they exist as microbes and also are to be found in abundance on a larger scale in the oceans and seas such as the polyps, sea-anemones, star-fishes, etc.

Hidden in the tropical jungles of South America and Asia are many plant species with unusual animal characteristics and mobile powers not possessed by the lesser evolved plants. We know of some of the more cultivated types such as the "Venus fly-trap" and the Mimosa.

In the recesses of the tropical jungles and rain-forests of Kalimantan (Borneo) of the Indonesian archipelago, exists a strange type of grass that the local Dayak natives of the Kubu and Kaharingan tribes call "Bulu Perindu," or "hair that causes longing." It is not known whether this grass has been classified and given a Latin name by botanists even in the face of its popularity among the occultists of Indonesia. Sometimes in the hollow of bamboo stems are found strands of bamboo fibre connected to the base and top and this is called "Bamboo Perindu"--not to be confused with the Bulu Perindu. In appearance the Bulu Perindu grass resembles a black strand or string. It has a broad base and tapers-off at its other end which may be golden-brown in color.

The Bulu Perindu grass possesses strange qualities--for one, they wriggle and move when placed on the palm of the hand or when warm ashes are strewn all over them. They are evidently heat sensitive; however, cold water is also able to vivify them. Immerse them in water for a few seconds and then put them on a clean, flat surface and watch them wriggle like a bunch of worms!

The Bulu Perindu grass are used by the Kalimantan shamans as an essential ingredient in their love philters and rituals. They would immerse a grass or two into their love oils and empower them with certain occult charging techniques and mantras. Dabs of the oil, here and there, on one's person is sufficient to cause fascination to whosoever looks at one. A drop of the oil on one's fingertips before handshakes could cause a strong subliminal impression on others, potently attracting them to us. The opposite sex are especially drawn to the user of the Bulu Perindu oil. If the liquid comes into contact with someone through one's touch, someone whom we deeply wish to attract, and if this is done in conjunction with the appropriate ritual backing it up, it could cause them to constantly have us in their thoughts and to make them terribly miss or long for us when we are absent from their presence--hence the name "Bulu Perindu"--the hair that causes longing. The grass when carried as an amulet, or the oil applied to one's body also has the virtue of increasing one's charisma and attracting luck. Some occultist affirm that it also has the power to ward off psychic attacks and disturbances from malicious spirits.

One of the rituals of attracting someone specific with the use of the Bulu Perindu grass is as follows:
Immerse the grass in a glass of water for a few seconds and then place it on clean sheet of paper. When it stops moving keep the grass in your wallet or purse. While the grass is being immersed in the water recite the Al-Fateha verse 1x:

"Bismillaahir-rohmaanir-rohiim.   "Al-hamdulillahi rabbil 'aalamiin, ar-rahmaani ar-rahiim  Maaliki yaumid diin, Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta 'iin.   Ihdinash Shiraathal Mustaqiim.  Shiraathal Ladziina an'amta alaihim.  Ghairil Maghduubi Alaihim Walaadh Dhaaliin.   Amin."

Then continue with the following affirmation while visualizing the person you wish to attract:

"My soul is one with yours N . . . We are united on spiritual levels and so shall we be in the physical. So be it!" 33x

Close the ritual with the Al-Fateha verse once again.

Why does the occult virtues of the grass produce such arousals and reactions in others? We know that the power of scent works on both the conscious and subconscious levels. It is possible that the Bulu Perindu contains pheromones--one reason why the grass produces such strange instinctive reactions in people. Pheromones are described as an exotic group of hormones triggering sexual responses in animals.

We once carried out an experiment: two bottles of aromatic oil were prepared. One plain, the other with the Bulu Perindu grass immersed. After a period of about a month we put a few drops of the oil with the grass in a vessel of water and the oil in the water reacted with a ceaseless motion. The oil without the grass showed little movement on the water's surface. Many questions arose from this, but without sufficient experimentation and the qualified training we refrained from arriving at a satisfactory conclusion. On the more pragmatic and commercial side of the question, what if the molecule compounds of the chemicals in the grass were isolated and applied in cosmetics? Would this not cause a revolution in the industry because of the magnetic effects that it provides?

The tales surrounding the Bulu Perindu are mystifying. The grass is said to come from a certain haunted mountain called Mt. Bondang in the region of "Puruk Cahu" in the upper recesses of the Barito river, Central Kalimantan (the grass has also been discovered in East Kalimantan). According to one myth, whosoever goes to this region are reluctant or even forget to return to civilization. The reason is because of the joy and happiness that the region instills in one. Being too overly-focused on their ecstatic state, many are said to have died because of the forgetfulness to eat and drink. It is probable that the region is a power spot, one of the points of a ley-line that produces disorientation in the mind as a side-effect. This is supported by the locals who consider the area as filled with extraordinary magickal power. The power according to them, induces hallucinations and a strong uncontrollable attraction for the area. Those that are fortunate enough to escape its grasp find themselves a strong longing to return. Many daring explorers among the native Dayaks have found themselves being possessed by the spirits of the area.
The natural objects such as grass, pieces of bamboo, soil, etc., to be found in the area are believed to be imbued with the same power and qualities as the region itself and are utilized by occult practitioners in their "ilmu pelet," or "magical art of attraction."

Mt.Bondang is believed to be haunted with powerful elementals, nature spirits, and other unseen beings of the forests. It is said that if one were to chop off a piece of bamboo from this area, screams of pain may be heard coming from the dryad of the tree (bamboos are actually the tallest grass in the world), like the screams said to be heard from the mandragore while harvesting the root.. The existence of spirit dwellers in plants and trees throws new light on the experimentation of certain horticulturists on the sentiency of plants.

The acquisition of these natural objects such as the Bulu Perindu grass is not an easy task (attempts to cultivate the Bulu Perindu grass outside of its home territory has presently proven to be a failure), as the mountain is rather inaccessible, steep and high. Most of the natives will not go there because of the risks mentioned above. One of the creatures capable of travelling to and fro from the mountain are the hawks, and if we were to come across a hawk's nest observed to have been built in the same location (a short flying distance from the magickal territory) for seven consecutive years, we can be sure that its home is made up of the Bulu Perindu grass. To verify this the nest is submerged in the Barito river, and if any grass of the nest would float upstream in the direction of the mountain, this would be the Bulu Perindu grass from Mt. Bondang seeking to return to its place of origin, as though a magnetic or etheric attraction existed between the two.

Getting the Bulu Perindu grass out of the Kalimantan/Borneo island is another problem in itself as it is believed that taking anything sacred out of the territory of spirit beings brings about catastrophes in some form during the returning journey. Occult practitioners have found ways of overcoming this, though. One of their methods is to place the grass in a white pouch which in turn is placed inside of a fruit. The fruit itself is placed in a larger fruit, like a Chinese puzzle, and this, it is believed to be sufficient enough to keep any disgruntled spirit off the scent.

The local Dayaks of Kalimantan consider the acquisition of the Bulu Perindu as a blessing, even if it is just a grass or two. To them, while the grass may be insignificant looking, the power that they possess are immense and it is this power that they praise and tap to improve their lives in some way.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

Brutal Bangladesh Sweatshops Exposed

We’ve all heard about the disgrace of sweatshops in Asia and other countries. Until you get first hand news of the horrible conditions in these places, it probably doesn’t seem ‘real’. Well it is. And it’s an ongoing tragedy throughout those countries. Following is an account of what Asian women are going through in these situations, specifically in the country of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is a country in South Asia that was formerly known as the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Even though the country has gone through domestic and international efforts to improve its economic situation, Bangladesh remains an underdeveloped and overpopulated country. For the majority of people who live there, the annual income is only $440US, and lower still for others.

Bangladesh grows massive quantities of rice, tea and mustard. Although two-thirds of its people are farmers, more than three quarters of the country’s earnings come from exports through the garment industry. The ‘industry’, which employs more than 3 million workers, exports an average of $5 billion worth of products! 90% of of its employees, or slaves if you will, are Asian women.

Rents are very high in Bangladesh, especially for the factory workers who only earn about $38 US per month. To try to make ends meet, many of the women in the rural areas trek to the city’s sweatshops that offer horrible working conditions. At these sweatshops, the women work between 10 and 12 hours a day, seven days a week. That’s not including their additional household duties either.

Needless to say, the atrocious working and living conditions take their toll on the health of these Asian women. As many as 68% of them complain of constant weakness and fatigue which is related to the long hours of work. The second major problem is gastric ulcers which are mainly due to low incomes and irregular eating habits. Chest pain, backaches, eye trouble, headaches and joint pain are other common ailments stemming from their work environment. Asian women working in these horrid conditions are also prone to urinary infections which are a direct result of not having enough access to toilets at work. There are strong restrictions on the number of times they are even allowed to take bathroom breaks.

Believe it or not, these women have a union. The Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers' and Exporters Association (BGMEA) said factory owners had prepared a master plan to start addressing these awful work-place conditions. That is yet to be seen. Sexual harassment is also very common in garment factories and the women there are threatened with being fired if they say anything or try to defend themselves. Exploited at work and living in poverty, many of these female workers have turned to prostitution as a way to make some extra money.

All in all, no matter how much you dislike the job you have, you’ve got to be thankful, at least, that you’re not an Asian woman living and working in Bangladesh.

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Bring to Life Your Beliefs in Ghosts

Ever woken up from deep sleep upon hearing your child or sibling screaming? They were probably having a nightmare, and you must have heard elders say a ghost must have come by. Well, today these supernatural phenomenons are no longer just a figment of our imagination. There are people who are ready to prove them to be real. Just as different people have different interests, some are into UFO’s and crop circles mysteries. For them, any news or tit bits about paranormal activities are like honey. They savor them and are dying to discuss this with others.

Instead of being one person having all these thoughts and curious questions, wouldn’t it better to have a whole group of people to share it with? That is the main reason why the social network site came into existence. It gave people an opportunity to open up and share their true feelings and opinions with others who don’t judge them. At times having thoughts about supernatural powers could be unnerving. This is because not many believe in it and so to get people to listen to you would be an ordeal or a difficult task. They are most likely to ridicule you or shrug you off.  But if you were to express these on a site where there are others like you, it would be accepted with open arms.

The main aim of any social network site is to bring together people from different parts of the world and to bring them closer. You could be talking to someone in another corner of the globe, but be able to interact with them on a daily basis thanks to advancement in technology and communication. The Social Network about paranormal happenings came about in the recent past when instances started popping up here and there. There are various other forums where those passionate about UFOs and Ghosts are members on, but a networking site is far easier to navigate and has various bonus options.

People who observe the sky, or who have been following the trend of the supernatural forces, will also be interested in reading up, gaining more knowledge about the same. Through these social network about paranormal, they can put down all their ideas, and theories collectively brainstorming. There are clubs where people meet up regularly, discuss UFOs and Ghosts or how a crop circles in their area occurred. It could be an unsolvable puzzle, but the answer might be the Ghosts did it. But in order to get others to believe, there must be enough evidence for the same.

Create a club within the site to meet with people of specific interests in Ghosts only, or UFO’s only. Have meetings every week or monthly once to bring to light various issues or occurrences. Travel to different cities to meet with members from there, or to explore a UFO sighting. By signing up, and gaining a membership on the network site, members can venture into the study or the supernatural with full freedom.

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Bons Plans pour Mariage Express

Encore jeune et pas fortuné, pourquoi se privez de ce que la vie vus offre de plus précieux pour fonder une famille? Le mariage.

Alors qu'un mariage sur le vieux continent s'évalue entre 10 000 et 15 000 euros, las Vegas vous offre des prestations pour dix fois moins cher, et en plus sortant de l'ordinaire. 

Que vous faut il faire. Bon, d'accord, il faut acheter le billet, mais ensuite?
Ensuite rien de plus simple, rendez vous au Bureau des Mariages (Clark County Marriage License - 201 Clark Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89155 - Tel. (702) 671-0600)  munis des papiers suivants: carte d'identité prouvant que vous avez plus de 18 ans, en cas de précédent divorce, n'oubliez pas de prendre avec vous la copie de votre acte de divorce.

Ensuite, c'est à vous de voir.
Une simple cérémonie civile au Bureau des Mariages vous coûtera qu'une cinquantaine de dollars et ne durera qu'une demie heure.

Les célèbres chapelles long du Las Vegas strip reconnaissables par leur jardins de roses vous offres des services pour une somme comprise entre $200 et 500 dollars qui regroupent un forfait de mariage comprenant l'utilisation de la chapelle, la cérémonie de mariage, des fleurs, de la musique et des photos. Les forfaits plus coûteux comprennent plus d'extras comme le transfert depuis votre hôtel en limousine ou Elvis Presley comme témoin.

Ou encore, les casinos. Selon le thème que vous désirez pour votre mariage, rendez-vous soit  l'hôtel Excalibur pour un médiéval,sinon  MGM Grand a un mariage en montagnes russes, Treasure Island offre un mariage de pirates à bord de son bateau HMS Brittania et le Las Vegas Hilton propose un mariage Star Trek à bord du vaisseau spatial Enterprise avec des témoins Klingon et des invités Ferengi. Les prix varient alors de de 350 $ à 3500 $, voir d'avantage. Mais vous étes tout prets des salles de blackjack et des machines à sous.

Pour la Lune de Miel, en panne d'idées ou de sous? Pourquoi ne pas faire un tour du monde depuis Las Vegas?

Las Vegas, autre ses casinos, vous permet en effet de découvrir les sept merveilles du monde en un clin d'oeil. Vous voulez Paris et le charme de ses cafés? Pas de problème, rendez-vous au Paris Las Vegas! Ici, des votre arrivée, la Tour Eiffel, l'Arc de triomphe sans oublier le célèbre opéra Garnier vous accueillent a bras ouverts!Dans une architecture très Franchie style Haussmannien, vous retrouvez toutes les spécialités françaises et européennes au sein de ses fameux restaurants, sans oublier son casino.

Envie subite de vous dépayser. Rendez-vous Venetian! A Venise et ses gondoles... Quelle femme digne de ce nom ne souhaiterait pas passez sa lune de miel dans ce décor pittoresque, et rêvasser comme une jeune fille a l'aube de ses 20 ans, en attendant Casanova... Venez vous détendre au Venetian. Cet hôtel recrée pour vous les fameux canaux, les gondoles, les palais vénitiens et la réplique de la Piazza San Marco. Elégance et raffinement caractérisent le Venetian et ses 3000 chambres. Le Venetian abrite également une superbe galerie d'art avec le Guggenheim Hermitage Museum. Et pour découvrir encore plus de l'Italie, direction le Tuscany Suites Casino

Pour les nostalgiques d'Astérix et Obelix et du fameux Ave César, précipitez vous vite au Caesar's Palace! Conçue sur le modèle de la Rome antique, le Caesar's Palace accueille également des championnats du monde de boxe et des grands spectacles de vedette.

Envie de vous retrouvez sur une île paradisiaque? Essayer le Tahiti! Ses bananiers, les tropiques et les plages de sable fin, Pourquoi trop attendre.

Alors, qu'attendez vous pour passer la bague au doigt?

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Blinded By The Light

Want to guess the number one reason people install outdoor lighting? So they can see at night, of course. Improving nighttime visibility is what it’s all about. Did you know that often times the lights we install to help us to see at night actually hinder our ability to do so? It’s true. Sadly, improperly chosen outdoor lighting is almost the norm.

Many people choose an outdoor light fixture that’s “pretty” to look at in the daytime, with absolutely no consideration for how it will perform at night. The “pretty” brass & glass fixtures that are so common nowadays often shine more horizontally than down. This means that the majority of the light these fixtures put out is aimed right into your eyes. Think that’ll improve your visibility? Nope, not even a little.

What you’re experiencing, even if you don’t know it, is a form of light pollution known as glare. Glare is the result of an excessive contrast between bright and dark areas. Light shining into the eyes of drivers and pedestrians is glare. Glare is a particularly important issue in road safety, as poorly shielded lights along roadways may partially blind drivers or pedestrians and contribute to accidents.

Wow! The very lights we install to help us see can actually reduce our visibility if they’re not chosen wisely. I’ll come out on record and say it. Lighting manufacturers should not be allowed to sell these vision robbing glare bombs. They are dangerous and inefficient products that can be immediately replaced by better and more efficient designs already on the market.

Fortunately, there are a large and rapidly growing number of attractive, high quality outdoor lights for homes, businesses and communities. These don’t cost any more to purchase and often will be significantly cheaper to operate due to more efficient use of the light produced.

Many communities have begun requiring the use of exterior light fixtures that only shine light down. This significantly improves nighttime visibility while also dramatically improving the views of the night sky as an added bonus. Hopefully, these “night sky friendly” outdoor lighting ordinances will continue to spread. There might even be one under discussion in your community?

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Biodiesel The Alternative Fuel

What Is Biodiesel?

Biodiesel is a fuel made from vegetable oils. Rapeseed and soybean oils are the most commonly used, although other vegetables oils such as mustard, palm oil, hemp and jatropha have been tried and seem to show a lot of potential. These are listed or called Virgin Oil Feedstock.

Then we have the waste vegetable oils which are byproducts from animal fats like tallow, lard and yellow grease. It is suggested by many that waste vegetable oil is the best source of oil to produce biodiesel.

Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly alternative to the petroleum diesel we use today which as higher emissions that pollute our towns, cities and environment.

Biodiesel however is old news in one sense because Dr Rudolf Diesel the inventor of the diesel engine was showing his newly invented engine at the Paris exhibition, it was running on peanut oil.

During a speech at the same exhibition he was quoted as saying "the diesel engine can be fed with vegetable oils and will help considerably in the development of the agriculture of the countries which use it." So it seems that the diesel engine was designed to run on biodiesel fuel right from the beginning.

Biodiesel is a clean burning fuel which would reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of todays vehicles by up to 100%. Biodiesel is also biodegradable and non-toxic.

The use of biodiesel is definitely becoming more popular in America and the UK, more and more petrol stations are beginning to sell biodiesel in the UK. Even celebrities like Willy Nelson, is not only using it to run his tour buses, he as also opened a chain of petrol stations to sell biodiesel too.

So to summarize some of the benefits of using biodiesel:

1. Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly fuel.
2. It is a clean burning fuel.
3. It will reduce carbon dioxide emissions
4. Biodiesel is made from waste vegetable oils

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Bingo History: Story of the Game Bingo

The origins of contemporary bingo go back to 16th century Italy, where the lottery game Lo Giuoco del Lotto dItalia was introduced. The popular chance game was introduced to North America in the late 1920s by the name of Beano.  A toy salesperson of New York was responsible for changing the name of the game into Bingo and to the increase of its popularity throughout the US.

In the late 18th century, the original Italian lotto game made its way to France. Historical evidence shows that a game called Le Lotto was popular among the French high society who used to play the game in parties and social gatherings.

Le Lotto used to be played with special cards that were divided into three rows and nine columns. Each of the three columns consists of 10 numbers, while each column had five random number and four blank spaces in it. Each player had a different lotto card where he used to mark the number announced by the caller. The first player to cover one row won the game.

By the 19th century, the lotto game spread around Europe and started to serve as a didactic childrens game. In the 1850s, several educational lotto games had entered the German toys market. The lotto games purpose was to teach children how to spell words, how to multiply numbers, etc.

By 1920s, a similar version to the lotto game, known as beano was popular at county fairs throughout the US. In beano, the players placed beans on their cards to mark the called out number. The first player who completed a full row on his card, used to yell out Beano!, until one night in December 1929, when a New Yorker toys salesperson by the name of Edwin S. Lowe visited a country fair outside Jacksonville, Georgia.

On his way back to New York, Lowe had purchased beano equipment including dried beans, a rubber numbering stamp and cardboard. At his New York home, Lowe has been hosting friendly beano games. During one game, one excited winner who had managed to complete a full row stuttered out Bingo, instead of Beano. Listening to the excited stuttering girl, Edwin S. Lowe thoughts went away. Lowe decided to develop a new game that would be called Bingo.

While Lowe’s Bingo game was making its first steps in the market, a Pennsylvanian priest asked Lowe to use the game for charity purpose. After a short tryout period, the priest had found out that the bingo game causes the churches to lose money. Since the variety of bingo cards was limited, each bingo game ended up in more than five winners.

In order to develop the game and to lower the probabilities of winning, Lowe approached Prof. Carl Leffler, a mathematician from Columbia University. Leffler was asked to create bigger variety of bingo cards that each of them will have unique combination of numbers. By 1930, Lowe had 6,000 bingo cards and Prof. Leffler went insane.

Since then, the popularity of the bingo game as a fundraiser continued to grow. In less than five years, about 10,000 weekly bingo games took place throughout North America. Lowe’s company grew to employ several thousands of employees and to occupy more than 60 presses 24 hours a day.

Now, bingo is one of the most popular chance games in the world. It is played in churches, schools, local bingo halls and land based casinos in the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the world.

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Billionaire to Build Homes For Battered Women

There was no press release, no entourage, no announcement at all when legendary businessman David H. Murdock, owner of Dole Food Co., walked into the housing authority offices in his home county of Ventura, Calif., to offer to build affordable housing for victims of domestic abuse on county-owned land.

Murdock's help would provide as many as 200 one-, two- and three-bedroom units for battered women and their children.

"It's potentially priceless for the hundreds of people who could be served," Ventura County Supervisor Kathy Long said.

In addition to predevelopment financing, what Murdock brings to the table is a widely recognized reputation for getting things done.

"He wants to make an impact and make it reasonably fast," said Douglas Tapking, executive director of the housing authority. "We were so excited to see this guy step up to the plate at a time when the federal government is retreating and the state and local budgets are down. We were very impressed."

Murdock, who lives on a sprawling, working ranch not far from the proposed development site, is well known for bold gestures. Last year he took the 150-year-old Dole Food Co. private, and more recently announced plans to build a state-of-the-art wellness complex that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger predicted would be "the most advanced spa in the world."

Murdock has also created the Dole Nutrition Institute to conduct research into the health benefits of fruits and vegetables and educate the American public about the potential of proper diet to prevent disease and promote longevity. The young-at-heart fish-vegetarian practices what he preaches by exercising an hour a day and observing a reduced-fat, plant based diet.

"I see my role in helping to build this housing for battered women as a way to give them a chance to heal," said Murdock. "And also to help the families that are a part of the community in the county and state I call home."

Jennifer Grossman is the director of the Dole Nutrition Institute.  - NU

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

Beware The Danger Of Keeping Candidate Faith On The Down-Low

Much ado is being made over Governor Romney's recent address about his Mormon faith.  And, much more ado should be made.

The American people are perceived as being so politically saavy that the faith of a candidate for President, or a candidate for any other public office, has little or no bearing on their electability.  Platform and politics over prayer.  Spin over spirit.  Facts over faith.  The voting public needs to reconsider its position in the next round of elections, especially as it votes for the next Commander-In-Chief of the United States.  The vote should not be political, the vote should be prayerful which means it will require faith.

If Governor Romney's potential Presidency will not be influenced by his faith then, what will it be influenced by?  Every person has faith at his or her core, even if it is anti-faith.  Everyone's lifestyle has its basis in some personal belief system, otherwise known as faith.  But one who claims a particular brand of faith privately, who is not also willing to confess it publicly, either to their glory or to their shame, must give an account of exactly what belief system will be employed in the rapid-fire mode of Presidential decision-making should they be elected. 

What a candidate knows, as defined by education, experience, and intellect, is important.  But, a candidate's beliefs, as evidenced by their faith, shapes the value system which will serve as the foundation for their ability to govern.  Every candidate should have a basic level of integrity within their composition that demands singularity of purpose.  Any candidate who implies that their choices will not be influenced by their faith is deceived about what faith really is, and as a result, not worthy of a vote.  According to the old adage, stand for something or fall for anything.  It is unacceptable for candidates to have a private life of faith and a public life as a political candidate.  Inevitably, what is practiced and believed in secret, will come to light.  A candidate's personal belief system will be tested and demonstrated on a national level once they are elected.  Therefore, every candidate's faith must be the foundation upon which their candidacy rests.  If this is not the case, they are not fit to run the concession stand at the Friday night football game let alone a country.

The voting public deserves to know what every candidate believes.  The faith question must be answered by anyone who wants to see their name up in lights in November 2008.  The faith declaration must be made, honestly and openly, by every candidate.  Spin-free.  Why?  Because candidates are not robots despite the fact that they, at times, seem to be.  Candidates are human, just like the people who will be voting.  No amount of compartmentalization will prevent them from ultimately responding out of their humanness; this will be particularly true in times of challenge.  In the times of personal or national crisis that are certain to follow the next Presidential election, the incumbent will not persevere because of what they know or how much experience they have had.  Their university, their party, and even their constituents will be unable to see them through.  The only force that any candidate can and will instinctively rely upon in times of tragedy and crisis will be the force of their faith, what they believe, their ideology.  Faith, then, should not be just another issue in the next Presidential election, it must be the issue that decides the next Presidential election.